Coffee review

Introduce what kind of coffee is bourbon coffee | how to drink bourbon coffee and what flavor it has

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) in 1732, the British East India Company took Bourbon coffee seedlings from Yemen to St. Helena Island to grow, between 1860 and 1870, Central and South America origin Brazil first introduced Bourbon varieties, gradually replaced Tibika, and then bourbon and rapidly expanded northward to South and Central America

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In 1732, the British East India Company took Bourbon coffee seedlings from Yemen and planted them on St. Helena Island. Between 1860 and 1870, Bourbon varieties were first introduced to Brazil in Central and South America, gradually replacing Tibica, and then Bourbon rapidly expanded northward to other parts of South and Central America.

After 1900, French missionaries introduced bourbon coffee from Bourbon to Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and other places. Nowadays, bourbon coffee has become a main force of high-quality coffee in the world.

For a long time, bourbon caffeine has been considered to be the leader in coffee because of its low yield and good quality. In the last issue, we talked about the pointed bourbon of Nicaragua, but there are only a handful of well-known bourbon varieties: red bourbon, yellow bourbon, orange bourbon and pink bourbon.

Bourbon is a variety of coffee trees, belonging to a branch of Arabica species. It is named according to the color of coffee fruit when it is ripe, such as red, yellow, orange, pink bourbon and so on. Among them, the output of orange bourbon is less, while that of pink bourbon is very little.

The name bourbon comes from the island of Reunion, and the French made three attempts to introduce coffee from Yemen to the island of Bourbon (now Reunion) in 1708, 1715 and 1718; but it was coffee that was transplanted for the second and third times.

In 1841, a French missionary established a church on the French island of Reunion. After leaving the island of Reunion, he set up new churches in several African countries, such as Zanzibar, Bagmoyo, St. Augustine, and Bra, and sowed coffee from the island of Reunion in each church. From then on, there was "bourbon coffee" on the African continent.

Red bourbon

After the red bourbon coffee tree blossoms and bears fruit, the color change of coffee fruit is from green > to yellowish > to light orange > to ripe red > to ripe dark red, which is what we call bourbon species. Planted in bourbon at high altitude, it usually has a better aroma and bright acidity, and even tastes like red wine.

Yellow bourbon

Yellow bourbon is a unique bourbon variety in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. the fruit of coffee does not turn red after ripening, but orange, so it is called "yellow bourbon". Huang Bourbon, which is planted at high altitude, will have an excellent flavor performance. It has swept the Brazilian "extraordinary Cup" competition for two consecutive years, almost winning the top three prizes and sweeping the boutique coffee industry!

Powder bourbon

Pink bourbon is a mixture of red bourbon and yellow bourbon. As the name implies, its coffee cherries are romantic pink when ripe, which is a very rare variety. Because the color of coffee fruit is determined by recessive genes in pollen grains, the color of coffee fruit is unstable. The yellow genes that tend to yellow bourbon and the red genes that tend to red bourbon interfere with each other, making it difficult to maintain this beautiful pink, sometimes harvesting some orange bourbon. But I have to mention that the disease resistance of pink bourbon is actually very good, and the flavor is also very special.