Coffee review

How many countries in the world are rich in coffee? which country has better coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) world-renowned coffee producing country Top1: Brazil has always been one of the highest quality coffee producers, Brazilian coffee is of high quality and mellow flavor, which makes Brazil the world's largest coffee exporter, so if you have the opportunity to travel to Brazil

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Top1: Brazil, a world-famous coffee producer

Brazil has always been one of the highest quality coffee producers. Brazilian coffee is of high quality and mellow flavor, which makes Brazil the largest coffee exporter in the world. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to travel to Brazil in addition to visiting the rainforest, you might as well try Brazilian coffee again.

World famous coffee producer Top2: Costa Rica

Costa Rica offers the best coffee beans and coffee with a more unique taste. Costa Rica has been producing coffee since 1779 and is the largest coffee producer in the world. Costa Rican coffee is well received all over the world, and growing coffee in Costa Rica is profitable.

World-renowned coffee producing country Top3: Colombia

Colombian coffee is very good in quality and taste. Colombia is currently the best exporter in the world. Colombian coffee flavor can meet the needs of all kinds of people.

World-renowned coffee producer Top4: Vietnam

Vietnam was introduced by the French in 1857 and began to grow coffee. Vietnam's climate and fertile land make it possible to grow high-quality coffee and export it to all parts of the world.

World-renowned coffee producing country Top5: Ethiopia

Ethiopia is known as the birthplace of coffee, by Ethiopia found that goats eat a plant, after eating will become refreshed, so people found coffee this plant.

Top6: India, a world-famous coffee producer

India exports coffee mainly from southern India. Coffee in India dates back to the 17th century and is one of the best coffee exporters in the world.

Top7: Indonesia, a world-famous coffee producer

Indonesia is also an exporter of coffee, and there are a large number of people in this country who live on medium coffee.

World famous coffee producing country Top8: Honduras

The right climate and temperature in Honduras make the coffee grown here have a good taste and taste, and the main cash crop in Honduras is actually coffee.

Top9: Mexico, a world-famous coffee producer

Central and southern Mexico has a large number of coffee plantations, while Mexico also has native coffee, while Mexican coffee is mainly exported to the United States.

World famous coffee producing country Top10: Peru

Peru is a South American country, because the coffee grown in Peru has an outstanding taste, so Peruvian coffee will be exported to all parts of the world.

Among them, Brazil is famous for its coffee all over the world, and it deserves to be the NO.1 of coffee producing countries. It is worth mentioning that with the continuous development of China's coffee industry, the coffee planting level of Yunnan continues to improve, and its position in the world coffee industry is also gradually improving.