Coffee review

How much is Yunnan small-grain coffee? is it expensive? does Yunnan small-grain coffee taste good? what's the flavor?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Qianjie coffee introduction-Yunnan small grain coffee is more popular in our country is Yunnan small grain coffee. Rubiaceae, Coffee, the planting area is mainly distributed in Lincang, Baoshan, Simao, Xishuangbanna, Dehong, Nujiang and other states. Yunnan's superior geographical conditions make coffee

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Introduction to Qianjie Coffee-Yunnan small Coffee

Yunnan small grain coffee is more popular in our country. Rubiaceae, Coffee, the planting area is mainly distributed in Lincang, Baoshan, Simao, Xishuangbanna, Dehong, Nujiang and other states. Yunnan's superior geographical conditions have led to the rapid development of the coffee industry, accounting for more than 99% of the country's planting area and output in 2014. The average temperature of Lujiangba in Baoshan is 21.5℃, and the highest is 40.4 ℃, which is basically frost-free all the year round. It is recognized as the best producing area of small-grain coffee. The small-grain coffee cultivated here is famous at home and abroad for its strong but not bitter, mellow and fruity flavor.

Yunnan coffee production accounts for 1% of the global coffee. Yunnan small grain coffee was introduced by missionaries a hundred years ago. at present, Yunnan small grain coffee is produced in 71 countries in the world, of which 5% is of good quality. Yunnan Baoshan small grain coffee is planted between 1000 and 1500 meters above sea level, and the climatic conditions are very good. It belongs to one of the top 5% coffee in the world, and the western countries with the largest consumption of coffee do not produce coffee. Starbucks and Nestl é coffee is produced in Yunnan, using ordinary coffee beans, Yunnan coffee quality is one of the best coffee varieties in the world.

Coffee is a small evergreen tree of Rubiaceae, native to Africa. Small and medium grains of coffee are mainly cultivated as beverage plants. The small grain coffee cultivated in Yunnan, China traditionally refers to the mixed population of the Bobang variety and the Tibika variety. Coffee has a slightly bitter taste and has the function of refreshing and stimulating appetite. Flavonoids are an important component of coffee. Coffee isoflavones have high medicinal value, can scavenge free radicals in the human body, have anti-cancer, antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral and other biological activities and pharmacological effects, and can delay aging. and has a certain preventive and therapeutic effect on cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Yunnan small-grain coffee is mostly planted in dry and hot valleys about 1100 meters above sea level, so it has a moderate sour taste, rich and mellow aroma. There is a unique environment suitable for the growth of small seed coffee in many areas of Yunnan, and the quality of small seed coffee is excellent. The planting areas are mainly distributed in Lincang, Baoshan, Simao, Xishuangbanna, Dehong, Nujiang and other states. The small-grain coffee cultivated here is famous at home and abroad for its strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, well-proportioned small noodles, mellow and fruity.

There are two kinds of Yunnan coffee in Qianjie Coffee: Yunnan Katim and Yunnan Huaguo Mountain, which are priced at 58 and 69 respectively.

Introduction to Qianjie Coffee-Yunnan Coffee

Katim: herbs, nutty, chocolate, caramel

Huaguoshan: cantaloupe, sweet and sour, flower fragrance