Coffee review

Yunnan coffee cultivation natural conditions Yunnan coffee production area Pu 'er coffee varieties characteristics

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Qianjie Yunnan coffee production area introduction Yunnan is located in the world coffee planting golden belt, good ecological environment, rich natural resources create Yunnan coffee characteristics. Coffea yunnanensis

Yunnan is the largest coffee producer in China. Pu 'er tea has always been a characteristic of Yunnan. Now Yunnan has more coffee characteristics. China is so big, why is Yunnan the best place to grow coffee? Qianjie also said that coffee is actually a kind of crop, of course, related to the local environment and climate, just like coconut is planted in Hainan, other places are not so good taste, because coconut needs to be planted in hot places, and Hainan is suitable. From the perspective of geographical climate, Yunnan has a vast amount of land that is more suitable for growing coffee.


Let's see what the climate in Yunnan is like. Yunnan is located in the golden belt of coffee cultivation in the world. Good ecological environment and abundant natural resources have created the characteristics of Yunnan coffee. Yunnan coffee planting area is about 1.8 million mu, accounting for more than 95% of the total coffee area and total output in China, with an annual output of about 139,000 tons. Coffee cultivation has spread all over Pu 'er, Baoshan, Dehong, Lincang, Wenshan, Xishuangbanna and other 9 prefectures and cities in 35 counties, 80% of which belong to poverty-stricken areas, with more than 380,000 coffee growers and more than 1.14 million coffee growers. Yunnan natural conditions and Colombia are very similar, namely low latitude, high altitude, temperature difference between day and night, produced by cup quality analysis, coffee belongs to alcohol flavor, its quality taste similar to Colombia coffee. Yunnan coffee taste particularity; strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, slightly fruity. Yunnan coffee is mostly planted in dry and hot valley areas with an altitude of about 1100 meters, so the sour taste is moderate, the flavor is rich and mellow.

Yunnan coffee production is mainly concentrated in Pu 'er (180,000 mu), Baoshan (100,000 mu), Dehong (120,000 mu) and Lincang (20,000 mu), most of which are catimor varieties. At present, more than 80% are used as raw materials for instant coffee processing, some of which are provided to Nestle Company, and some are exported to Europe and America by local traders. Judging from the classification standard of specialty coffee, the quality of Yunnan coffee is far from enough.


Yunnan Pu 'er tea is very famous, but Pu' er coffee cultivation has a history of more than 100 years, and the real large-scale cultivation began in 1988. In 1988, Nestle Coffee came to Pu 'er City, which made great contribution to the development of coffee industry in Pu' er City and led Pu 'er Coffee on the road of industrialization development. At present, Pu 'er is the main coffee producing area with the largest planting area and the highest output in China and an important coffee trading distribution center. Coffee industry has become one of the important industries of characteristic agriculture in Pu' er Plateau and an important supporting industry for the construction of national green economy experimental demonstration zone.

Pu 'er has three treasures: Pu' er tea, coffee and dendrobium. As one of the three treasures, coffee has become quite famous in the world. The planting area of Pu 'er City reaches 770,000 mu, and the annual output is about 54,000 tons, ranking first in Yunnan Province. Pu 'er coffee is not only the main coffee-producing area in China, but also the area receiving the most coffee study tours.


Climate in Pu 'er City:

The climate of Pu 'er City has three characteristics: low latitude, monsoon and vertical climate. Geographically, it is close to the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal in the south. Influenced by the humid Indian Ocean monsoon, the towering Ailao Mountain and Wuliang Mountain in the east block the invasion of Siberian cold current, forming the main climatic characteristics of warm, humid and calm wind. The temperature difference between the coldest month and the hottest month is not obvious, and it is a real "four seasons like spring" area. The annual average temperature is 15.3~20.2℃, the annual precipitation is 1000~2780 mm, and the annual sunshine hours are 1873.9~2206.3 hours/year. The vertical difference makes the vertical three-dimensional climate of this area obvious. From low to high, there are many kinds of climate types such as north tropical, south subtropical, middle subtropical, north subtropical, south temperate and temperate. Coffee cultivation is mainly distributed in mountainous areas with an altitude of 800- 1200 meters.


Pu 'er City belongs to the plateau climate zone dominated by humid monsoon climate in subtropical mountains, and is the golden zone for coffee cultivation in the world. Pu 'er coffee has good color, excellent quality and unique taste.

How many types of Yunnan coffee?

Ethiopia is the genetic land of coffee, so what varieties have Yunnan introduced? At first, the two classic high-quality coffee varieties, Tiepi Card and Bobang, were the main cultivated varieties of Yunnan coffee. In 1991, Katim series varieties were introduced from Kenya, which had stronger virus resistance and higher yield. At present, katim is the most widely planted in Yunnan Province, and there are a small number of iron pickups and Bobang planted in Baoshan District.


Iron pickup (typica)

The most classic high-quality Arabica species, world-famous Blue Mountain coffee, mocha coffee, etc., almost all Arabica species. Tiekka coffee is native to Ethiopia and southeastern Sudan and is the most widely cultivated coffee variety in the Western Hemisphere.


This variety originated from the iron pickup and was expanded by the French after it was planted in 1708 on the island of Popan (now known as Reunion Island). Bobon also has a good aroma and rich taste, compared to tin card in the yield and growth force are higher, suitable for planting in 1200- 2000 meters area. Bobang coffee is the second most common variety of Arabica coffee after iron pickup.



Yunnan Arabica coffee belongs to Katim high-generation varieties. Catimor is not purely Arabican, it is a hybrid of the Timor species (belonging to the Robusta species) and caturra(a variant of the Bobang species), so catimor is 25% Robusta.

Katim is a hybrid of Tim and Kadura, so it has strong disease resistance and high yield, which occupies a place in Central American coffee varieties. Among the Yunnan coffee beans on the front street, there is a Yunnan small coffee, and the variety is Katim coffee.

Yunnan coffee bean katim varieties grow vigorously, accessory characters are stable, crown bud tender leaves are green, whole plant leaves are dark green, plant shape is cylindrical, internodes are short, branches are many, adaptability is wide, drought resistance is strong, and there is also a certain cold resistance. Compared with iron pickup production, Yunnan's katim production is very high. Although katim varieties are very adaptable in Yunnan, katim flavor has always been a concern for everyone, just like Han Huaizong often uses "devil's aftertaste" to describe katim flavor in books. However, Qianjie believes that there are many factors that affect coffee flavor and cannot be generalized. For example, the variety of Mantenin coffee in Indonesia is katim. Mantenin's coffee flavor, however, remains critically acclaimed.


Katim CIF7963 (F6) has been widely popularized and planted in Dehong, Baoshan, Pu 'er, Xishuangbanna, Lincang, Wenshan, Yuxi and other places in coffee planting areas of Yunnan Province, Panzhihua of Sichuan Province and neighboring Myanmar, with a total popularization area of more than 200,000 mu.

However, all the varieties planted in Pu 'er area of Yunnan Province are catimor varieties.

Yunnan coffee bean processing method

Yunnan coffee beans are mostly washed, and Yunnan coffee in Qianjie Coffee has two treatments: washing and sun.

Two processing methods of Yunnan Katim coffee beans


By comparing the two treatments of katim green beans, the front street noticed that the washing method of coffee is blue-green, green bean aroma with acid aroma, while the sun treatment of coffee is yellow, green bean aroma with fermentation aroma.

Suggestions for brewing Yunnan coffee parameters in Qianjie:

Filter cup: Hario V 60, water temperature: 90℃, powder amount: 15g, powder-water ratio: 1:15, grinding degree: medium fine grinding (Chinese standard No.20 sieve pass rate 80%)


Sunlight Catim Brewing Flavor: Red berry juice on the palate, nutty, cocoa, liquorice aromas, caramel sweet finish, mellow and smooth on the palate.

Washed Katim Brew Flavor: Nutty aromas, herbal, chocolate, caramel on the palate, with a hint of fruit acid on the finish.

For coffee brewing, Qianjie recommends brewing with freshly roasted coffee beans to maximize the rich flavor of coffee. Front Street Coffee ships coffee beans that are roasted within 5 days, because Front Street knows that the freshness of coffee beans has a great impact on flavor. Front Street Roasters 'motto is "Fresh Roast Good Coffee", so that every customer who orders coffee receives the freshest coffee. Coffee has a growing period of 4-7 days, so when the customer gets it, the flavor is at its best.

Of course, there are also some customers who need the front street to help grind, which does not matter, but the front street reminds that the coffee beans are ground in advance, they need to be brewed in time, if they have been ground into coffee powder, they do not need to raise beans, because in the process of transportation, the pressure generated by carbon dioxide in the package can also make the coffee flavor become mellow, so they can drink a cup immediately after receiving the coffee powder.

However, coffee powder oxidizes faster after contact with air, which means that the flavor of coffee will disperse faster, and the flavor of coffee will not be very good. Therefore, Qianjie recommends buying whole beans and grinding them now, so as to better taste the flavor of coffee.

Steaming with water twice as much as coffee powder for 30 seconds, then injecting water in a circle with small water flow from 31 seconds to 125 grams, then injecting water to 225 grams, removing the filter cup after the water drops in the filter cup are finished, and counting from the beginning of water injection, the extraction time is 200 ". Next, shake the whole cup of coffee evenly and pour it into the cup to taste it.

Because Yunnan's climate is very suitable for coffee, Qianjie Coffee also has its own coffee estate in Yunnan, and also has its own coffee, namely Yunnan Sun-dried Iron Card Coffee. The taste of this coffee is: more solid than washed Yunnan coffee, slightly lower acidity and washed iron pickup Yunnan coffee, but slightly more sweetness, higher balance, nutty tonality, berry-like acidity, mixed with brown sugar, and slight tea feeling. Welcome to Front Street Coffee to explore oh!

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

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