Coffee review

The effect of altitude on Yega Chevy Coffee A brief introduction to the growth of Arabica Coffee beans at altitude

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) in front of the street Yega Xuefei Sun aricha Coffee introduction Ethiopia is the oldest coffee producer, Ethiopian beans you can cup test the flavor profile of all the current coffee beans, it can be said that Ethiopia is the gene bank of coffee, the source of all flavors. Yega Xuefei Yir

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Introduction to Qianjiajiaxiefi Sun-baked aricha Coffee

Ethiopia is the oldest coffee producer. With Ethiopian beans, you can measure the flavor profile of all current coffee beans. It can be said that Ethiopia is the gene pool of coffee and the source of all flavors.

Yirga cheffe is a small town in Ethiopia, 1700-2100 meters above sea level, and it is also synonymous with Ethiopian boutique coffee. Since ancient times, it is a wetland. The ancient saying "Yega" yirga means "settle down", and "Xuefei" cheffe means "wetland". Therefore, Yejasuefi means "Let's settle down in this wetland".

Yega Xuefei is like the fragrance of citrus, which makes Yega Xuefei the most famous raw bean in the world. It is particularly soft, with a floral fragrance, an afterscent around the tip of the tongue, and a soft taste, all of which have become the unique characteristics of Yega Xuefei. Taste similar to lemon and citrus complex, excellent taste viscosity, complex flavor. This variety is mostly washed, one of the most famous mocha coffee.

Contemporary Coffee Core | Yega Sheffield is the core of Ethiopia, the country of origin of Arabica. It is a coffee producing area that you must know and taste deeply if you love or want to get in touch with fine coffee.

Yega Chuefei roast | Yega Chuefei coffee beans, which are famous for many ancient varieties, actually contain many varieties of coffee beans of different sizes and represent different water content and ingredients. In order to highlight Yejia beans "fragrant, sweet, beautiful fruit acid", every second is testing the ability of the bean baker.

Arabica varieties:

Arabica variety should be the first choice in terms of bean seed. The so-called Mantenin or mocha coffee beans are actually named according to their origin, such as Mantenin is produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, and mocha is a Yemeni product. But some of them are Arabica varieties and some are Robusta varieties.

The most important is the Arabica variety, which is produced on slopes thousands of meters above sea level. The higher the altitude, the better the quality of the coffee beans. The bean is small and oval in shape. The fruit is generally late ripening, and the maturity of the fruit on the same branch is also different, so it is harvested manually. However, because of its unique flavor and rich output, its market share is more than 70%. Most of them are treated by washing after harvest, with few defects, want to sell well, and are mostly used for the preparation of single coffee.

Arabica varieties have a long history, high-altitude planting environment, generations of coffee planting-harvest-processing experience, to create a smooth and rich level of delicious coffee taste.

Yega Xuefei Aricha

Production area: Yega Xuefei Adorsi processing Plant

Altitude: 1900-2000m

Treatment method: insolation

Grade: G1

Variety: Heirloom native species

Flavor: with the aroma of ripe fruit, the entrance has obvious fermented aroma, green extract, the temperature drops slightly, the acidity of lemon, the smoothness of cream, and the juicy feeling of ripe grapes at the end.