Coffee review

The best brewing method and skills of Indonesian Mantenin coffee beans to share the characteristics and flavor of hand-brewed gold Mantenin

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street Mantenin coffee hand brew parameters sharing Manning is Sumatran coffee, belongs to the Arabica species (but also part of the Tim species), this beautiful island gives Manning coffee very special


Unlike African coffee beans with bright fruit acidity, Indonesian Manning coffee has a rich bitter flavor, high alcohol thickness and sinking flavor, so how should such a thick coffee type be brewed? Qianjie Coffee starts with the characteristics of Manning and analyzes how to make a good cup of Manning coffee by hand.

Sumatra manning coffee

Manning coffee comes from the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, which has a high elevation, and the climate is very suitable for planting Arabica varieties. Among them, Aceh province around Lake Tawa and North Sumatra province around Lake dopa are the most representative, and the Lindong producing area is located in North Sumatra province.

Mantenin coffee is grown on the Gayo Highlands at an altitude of 750-1500 meters above sea level, which is located near the equator. It is a typical tropical rain forest climate. It is rainy all the year round, and the temperature and humidity in the air are relatively high. It is very suitable for the cultivation of Arabica varieties, but it accounts for only 25% of Indonesia's total coffee production. Indonesia mainly grows Robusta at low elevations.

Ateng and Tim Tim are two main varieties of Mantenin coffee. Tim Tim is a natural hybrid of Arabica Tieka and Robusta, which is Tim Timor, which inherits the high yield and disease resistance of Robusta, and shows a strong taste in flavor.

Ateng is also a common local coffee variety, which is what we often call Katim Catimor. Aceh Tengah is found in the central Aceh region and named after place. Ateng is a hybrid descendant of Arabica Bourbon variety Kaduka and Tim. There are several subtypes, with Robusta 1 + 4 pedigree, with high disease resistance and widely cultivated in Sumatra and other Indonesian islands. The gold manning coffee on the front street is the Ateng variety.

Wet planing treatment gives Manning coffee a unique aroma.

Indonesia's high temperature and humidity environment, so that the local people have to innovate suitable for the local "new" treatment method-wet planing method.


The steps in front of the wet planing method are the same as the water washing method. Indonesians first remove the pulp of the coffee fruit and ferment it in water for 3 hours. After washing the mucous membrane, the raw coffee beans with parchment are dried for a short time for 2-3 days. Remove the parchment when the water content is 20-24%, and then continue to dry until the water content of the coffee is 13%. Because the fermentation time is shorter than that of water washing, it does not produce more acidic substances, so the acidity of Mantenin coffee is very weak and the thickness of alcohol is higher after roasting.

Qianjie currently has 2 Mantenin coffee beans on the daily bean list, including Lin Dong Mantenin rations beans and pwn Gold Mantenin.

Lin Dong Manning Coffee

Lin Dong Mantenin refers to the Mantenin coffee produced in the Lindong Mountains in northern Sumatra. Lindong is near the southwest of Lake dopa, at an altitude of 1000-1500 meters. There are many volcanoes and volcanic lakes, fertile volcanic soil and the local tropical rain forest climate. Rain Water is abundant all the year round, making coffee trees flourish. The mantenin produced here shows unique flavors such as wood and spices. Qianjie believes that the wet planing treatment of Lindong mantenin has a typical mantenin flavor, so it is added to the rations bean series.


Qianjie Coffee: Indonesian Lindong Manning Coffee beans

Producing area: Sumatra, Indonesia

Grade: G1

Altitude: 1100m--1600m

Variety: Ateng TimTim

Treatment method: wet planing method

Flavor: nuts, spices, chocolate, caramel

PWN Gold Manning Coffee

Golden Mantenin is produced by Pwani Coffee Company Coffee, a well-known Indonesian coffee acquisition company. PWN mainly buys local high-quality Mantenin coffee beans, most of which are boutique. It should be noted here that since PWN has registered the trademark "Golden Manning", in other words, only the golden manning produced by PWN can be called "Golden Manning" coffee.

The high quality of Gold Manning lies in that PWN will manually select raw beans of G1 grade by hand three times. G1 grade is the highest export standard of raw beans in Indonesia, which means that the size of beans is strictly controlled at more than 18 mesh, and the number of defective beans per 300g raw bean sample is less than 3. PWN's repeated manual screening has minimized the defect rate of Golden Manning's coffee beans, resulting in higher quality batches, clean sweetness and stronger aromas.


Front Street Coffee: PWN Gold Manning Coffee beans

Producing area: Sumatra, Indonesia

Grade: G1, hand-selected three times

Altitude: 1100m--1600m

Variety: Ateng

Treatment method: wet planing method

Flavor: nuts, spices, herbs, caramel

In addition to the two types mentioned above in Qianjie, there are many unique styles of manning coffee, such as tiger mantenin, which has the aroma of Chinese traditional medicine, aging mantenin, which reduces the acidity with time, and suntan manning coffee, which is different from the wet planing method, which has its own characteristics, so Qianjie will not introduce them one by one here. Let's take the Mantenin coffee in the former street store as an example to talk about how to brew the mantenin coffee into a "manning flavor".

How to make a good brew of Manning coffee?

Some people may ask Qianjie which manning is better. If you are a novice coffee novice and want to know the flavors of different producing areas first, Qianjie suggests starting with our cost-effective food rations, so that you can understand the flavor characteristics of many major producing areas, and then choose your favorite type. But if you are already a coffee glutton, Qianjie believes that PWN gold manning coffee is a good choice. Compare the two beans in the front street here.


As Mantenin's flavor is the rich direction of nuts and chocolate, the front street baker chooses deep baking to maximize its mellow taste, so we can see oil-black Mantenin coffee beans, which are much larger than the original raw beans. the texture is so loose that it can be crushed with your fingers. In this way, it is very easy to absorb water when ground into coffee powder, so Qianjie will use a few degrees lower water temperature than medium-light roasted beans, which can reduce excessive bitterness extraction. Similarly, the degree of grinding is also to reduce the extraction rate of coffee liquid, the front street will use a coarse degree of grinding. Due to the different grinding equipment in everyone's home, the corrected grinding degree here in Qianjie is based on the screening rate of China's No. 20 standard. So Manning coffee brewing will choose China 20 standard sieve filter 70% grinding degree and 87 degrees Celsius water temperature.


If you usually have friends who watch Qianjie brewing suggestions, you should know that Qianjie will give priority to KONO filter cup when brewing coffee beans that express mellow thickness. We can observe from the shape of the KONO filter cup that only the ribs in the lower part of the filter cup and the upper half of the filter cup are smooth curved surfaces, so that when we wet the filter cup and can closely fit with the filter paper, the exhaust of coffee during extraction is limited, so the retention time of hot water in the filter cup increases, the coffee extraction rate increases, and the concentration increases, and the coffee flavor is more rich and mellow. The KONO filter cup is also suitable for beans with mellow flavors such as Brazilian Queen's Manor Coffee.

Generally speaking, the Qianjie product will choose 15g coffee powder, and the selection of the powder quantity is usually based on the size of the filter cup design, while the Qianjie filter cup is suitable for 1-2 people to drink, which can be between 15-20g powder, and too much powder can easily affect the extraction. As for the choice of powder-liquid ratio, 1:15 is the most commonly used. It is OK within the ratio of 1-13-17. Qianjie thinks that everyone has different tastes. 1:13 may be too strong for some people, and 1:17 will be too light for some people, so the middle value will be taken at 1:15.

Brewing and cooking parameters: KONO filter cup, water temperature of 87 degrees Celsius, ratio of powder to liquid at 1:15, grindness of 70% of China Standard 20 sun-screened filter, 15g coffee powder, three-stage extraction.

First wet the filter cup, closely fit the filter paper with the filter cup, then pour in the ground coffee powder and pat the powder layer as far as possible. Pour 87 degrees hot water from the center and start steaming for 30 seconds, and you can see that the deep-roasted mantenin coffee will form a tall drum. Then start the uniform injection of the second stage until the liquid weight is 125g, and when the coffee liquid drops to half of the position, start to inject the last 100g, pay attention to the smooth injection of small water throughout the process to avoid uneven extraction. After all the coffee drops have been filtered, you can remove the filter cup, shake well and share the coffee liquid in the pot and begin to taste.


The brewing parameters mentioned in front street are based on fresh coffee beans, so freshly roasted coffee is the first condition here. The coffee beans shipped on the front street are freshly roasted within 5 days, and the coffee is just within the best taste period when it is received from the logistics, so it is hoped that every guest can drink the best coffee with the most complete flavor.

The freshly brewed Lindong Manning coffee has an Indonesian spice taste, with outstanding aromas of roasted nuts and chocolate, with a little taste, while PWN Gold Manning Coffee obviously has a solid taste, stronger aromas of spices and dark chocolate, a higher flavor, and can feel the sweetness and finish of caramel.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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