Coffee review

What is suitable for Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee? sharing the baking curve of Jamaican Blue Mountain

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street Jamaica Blue Mountain No. 1 baking curve sharing Blue Mountain only 2000 meters above sea level, but in the island countries, it already appears to be majestic and straight enough, because the advantage of high altitude provides a suitable environment for high-quality Arabica coffee (annual average temperature 22 ℃), which is precisely because

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Baking curve sharing of No. 1 Blue Mountain, Jamaica, Front Street

The Blue Mountain is only 2000 meters above sea level, but it is majestic and straight enough in the island countries, because the advantage of high altitude provides a suitable environment for the growth of high-quality Arabica coffee (annual average temperature 22 ℃), and it is precisely because of its high altitude and low temperature (especially at night) that coffee cherries can completely convert and precipitate sugar. The sensory characteristics of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee are the perfect balance of acidity, mellow thickness and sweetness, mild acidity and high acidity thanks to the high altitude of the Blue Mountains. It is not the island country that makes the Jamaican coffee legend, but the mountain in the middle of the island.

When the blue mountain baked beans at 160 degrees, the baking time was 5-6 minutes, and the chimney began to exhaust smoke at about 140 degrees. When the temperature reaches 170 degrees, bake with high firepower, and when the beans explode, adjust the firepower to medium firepower. The appropriate time for 170 degrees to 190 degrees is 2 minutes.

Lower the firepower can prolong the time to reach the second explosion, the first explosion is generally one minute 30 seconds to 2 minutes or so, the end of the first explosion will hear a fierce burst sound, this is the beginning of the second explosion.

In short, Blue Mountain suggests baking until the second explosion, too shallow will not taste good. The flavor of Blue Mountain mostly comes from the caramel reaction, and the expansion of the bean core should be made bigger.

Equilibrium is the proudest advantage of Blue Mountain.

The sweet and sour flavor and body of coffee reach a very ingenious point of convergence.

Because the flavor of Blue Mountain Coffee is rich, balanced, fruity and sour, it can meet all kinds of needs of people. In addition, the flavor of high-quality fresh Blue Mountain coffee is particularly long-lasting, as drinkers say-endless aftertaste.

Blue Mountain Coffee perfectly combines the unique sour, bitter, sweet, mellow and other flavors of coffee to form a strong and attractive elegant flavor, which is unmatched by other coffee. People who love Blue Mountain Coffee say: "it is a 'coffee beauty' that combines all the advantages of good coffee." Jim, general manager of Pitt, which is famous for its coffee and tea business in the United States, said of Blue Mountain Coffee: "it tastes fragrant, smooth and mellow, and it makes me feel as precious as a gem. It is precisely because the taste of Blue Mountain coffee is moderate and perfect, so Blue Mountain coffee is generally drunk in the form of black coffee. "