Coffee review

V60 filter cup usage v60 filter paper usage v60 filter cup how big to buy

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For more information on coffee beans, please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) fold and rinse the filter paper into cones and rinse with freshly boiled water with a Hario eyedropper to eliminate the smell of the paper and heat the cup or coffee maker you want to brew. Pour out the washed water. Measure and grind 21 grams (about 3 tablespoons)

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Folding and flushing filter

Fold the filter paper into a cone and rinse with a Hario eyedropper with freshly boiled water (about 205 degrees Fahrenheit) to remove the smell of the paper and heat the cup or coffee pot you want to soak. Pour out the washed water.

Measuring and grinding

Grind 21 grams (about 3 tablespoons) of coffee to make it as fine as crude salt. Add coffee to the beer.

Reason for saturation

Soak coffee grounds in water immediately after boiling (about 205 degrees Fahrenheit). Cover the ground with enough water. Let it bloom for 15 seconds. Coffee will deaerate or "blossom" when fresh-the coffee bed should be raised and bubbled.

Will never stop

Pour water in a slow, uniform spiral way, adding water every 10-15 seconds to make the extraction uniform. Pour on the black spot and avoid the light color. If you are using a scale, you should pour it until you reach 360 grams.

Have a nice day.

When you get to 3 o'clock, you should have about 10 ounces of brewed coffee. Put the coffee machine away and pour the coffee into a warm cup.