Coffee review

How to Control the Coffee flow rate the principle of Coffee flow rate effect of Coffee flow rate on Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) flow control refers to the control of the flow of water during preleaching and extraction as it passes through the coffee ball. By controlling the flow of water, you can show all the subtleties of coffee. For example, for very fresh or too fresh coffee, you can set a

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Flow control refers to the control of water flow in the process of pre-leaching and extraction when water passes through the coffee ball. By controlling the flow of water, you can show all the subtleties of coffee. For example, for very fresh or "too fresh" coffee, you can set a flow rate to let the coffee vent and blossom, so that you can get a good extraction. This profile can be saved in the Dalla Corte Mina application for later use. With ECM Synchronika and Profitec Pro 700, you can change the flow settings according to the injection time on the machine, so you can repeat the injection process the next time. See how our blog sets up flow control devices here!

With flow control, you will also have the opportunity to simulate results from leveraged machines such as Profitec Pro 800s. When you pull the lever on the Pro 800s, the whole group will be filled with water to pre-wet the coffee, and when you release the lever, the spring will put pressure on the coffee ball and begin to extract. The technology is popular with espresso lovers and has now become an option for baristas to use flow control devices in their espresso programs. Flow control is an innovative technology that allows coffee connoisseurs and baristas to try different flavors and aromas of coffee, whether you want to pick out a strong chocolate flavor or reduce the acidity of the coffee.

As you can see, flow control can really change the game home and professional baristas want to pull barista-style in their comfortable home or try their favorite whole bean coffee to add or decrease different flavors, aromas, coffee and features. It's not just about how to control the flow of water and change the taste of coffee. If you want to change your espresso habits or someone in your family doesn't like espresso, you can also make filtered coffee. For example, for filtered coffee, you can grind your coffee and set a low flow to make a full cup of coffee, also known as a coffee cup. If reading this article makes you excited about flow control, that's great! We're just getting started. let's take a look at how flow control works.

How does it work?

Finding the right taste and finding the best match is as simple as following a formula. Set the traffic to 9 grams per second, dial into your lens, and then adjust the traffic according to your preference. Using the flow control knob, turn the knob back and forth to increase or decrease the flow of water, while monitoring your batting time and pressure gauge, which will tell you the water pressure on the puck. By monitoring the pressure and time, you can adjust the acidity, sweetness and taste of the coffee while adjusting the flow. Danilo Lodi (Danilo Lodi) has been a certified judge of the World baristas Championship (WBC) since 2011, a representative of the World Coffee event (WCE) since 2013, and a roaster, barista, lecturer and coffee consultant since 2004.