Coffee review

I don't know which coffee beans to buy. I'll tell you which brand of coffee beans to buy

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street share how to buy coffee skills in the selection of coffee beans should pay attention to the following points: a, the origin is online, some stores may use some coffee beans that are not from origin, such as some Blue Mountain coffee, but its origin is not Jamaica, there is another example

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Share the skills of how to buy coffee in front of the street

When buying coffee beans, you should pay attention to the following points:

A, place of origin

Online, some stores may use coffee beans that do not come from the country of origin, such as some Blue Mountain coffee, but the origin is not Jamaica, and for example, there are only Colombia or Brazil on the bag, but there is no specific information about the manor. it is usually coffee beans from large producing areas, and the coffee of origin is also divided into commercial grade and boutique grade, so it is not only written that Ethiopia is a boutique bean. It is best to be specific to the producing area, traced back to the place of origin of beans, usually not too bad, if you are not very picky, it is OK to taste different places of origin.

How to understand the coffee name such as "Ethiopian Sun G1 Sida Mohambela Sakui 2.0"?

Coffee beans themselves will have obvious regional characteristics, before buying, understand the flavor of coffee beans, coffee label is also like the red wine label, generally get a lot of information about coffee flavor from the label. We see the name of this coffee: Ethiopia Sunshine West Mohambela Sakui 2.0, we can get the following information: country: Ethiopia, producing area: Sidamohambela, grading: G1, processing method: sunbathing, the name is Sakui 2.0.

If you buy beans, only Ethiopia, no other information, usually beans from large producing areas.

B, packing date (baking date)

Pay attention to whether the packing date is recent. The shelf life of raw coffee beans is one to two years, and the shelf life of cooked beans after roasting is within 2 months, so choose freshly roasted coffee beans and use them up during the shelf life after purchase. only in this way can you enjoy the most charming aroma and rich taste of coffee.

Freshly roasted coffee beans, because the beans contain a lot of gas, strong respiration, in the extraction, the gas released from the beans, what we see is wonderful and plump bubbles, indifferent to some shallow baked beans, bubbles are not so obvious.

C, Store and Brand

Needless to say, some coffees may be mixed with other kinds of coffee in order to reduce costs. So be careful. For example, in the more expensive coffee beans mixed with cheap coffee beans, or in the good quality coffee beans mixed with the same variety but poor quality coffee beans, which will seriously affect the taste. Therefore, when buying coffee beans, we should try to choose guaranteed shops or brands. Domestic popular home-baked beans will be a little fresher than beans bought in supermarkets. Choose a trustworthy coffee shop.

Qianjie coffee, our coffee comes from different countries and different producing areas around the world, with different flavors. Here you can choose according to your own taste. Yega Chuefei's fruity, Manning's rich, Brazilian Queen's Manor balance, you can choose here, and there will be a coffee event every month, the discount is very strong.

The coffee beans with the lowest price of rations beans are 9.9 percentile 100g, which is to let coffee lovers drink the best coffee at the lowest price, and to spread the culture of fine coffee, so that more coffee lovers can buy cheap and delicious coffee.

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