Coffee review

What are the characteristics of Sunshine Flower Kui flavor and taste? Yega Shifei Xida Hua Kui hand to share.

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Qianjie Coffee-Sidamohan Bella Sun Sakui Coffee sharing Ethiopia's coffee estates are mostly in the native state, the local farmers just go to the mountain to pick, only choose all red fruits, fully ripe coffee cherries, all manual picking, African scaffolding to air, limit

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie Coffee-Sidamohan Bella Sun Sakuran Coffee sharing

Most of the coffee farms in Ethiopia are still in the original state, and the local farmers just go to the mountains to pick, choosing only all red fruits, fully ripe coffee cherries, all manual picking, African scaffolding to dry, limit the thickness of the fruit layer and turn it 24 hours a day, to ensure uniform sun exposure and ventilation, and to more accurately grasp the degree of fermentation. most local treatment plants also use the original sun treatment. According to experience, fermentation and drying, so the quality is very unstable.

Sakuran is planted in mountains of about 2250-2350 meters. The temperature at night is about 12 ℃. When the temperature is high at noon, it will be sheltered in time to prevent red fruit from sunburn. Fertile soil, special climate, artificial picking mature coffee red fruit, picked coffee fruit sugar content of more than 30 before the sun treatment, and ensure the humidity of coffee red fruit. After drying on the traditional African wooden frame for 60-70 days, we can accurately grasp the degree of fermentation and bring more sweet and sour fruit to this coffee. The head of the flower is well deserved!

This Sakuran tastes like peach and passion fruit juice when baked, with unique flavors of strawberry, guava, jackfruit and cinnamon. The roses are full of scent. Soft and delicate, full of sweetness!

Ethiopia Sunshine Flower Kui G1

Origin: Hambella Wamenna

Bean seed: Ethiopian native species Heirloom (family heirloom)

Altitude: 2250-2350m

Manor: Guji,GORO Manor

Processing method: solarization (African drying bed)

Grade: G1

Baking degree: shallow baking

Flavor: peach, passion fruit, strawberry, guava, jackfruit, cinnamon, rose

Cooking parameters: 90 ℃ / grinding degree BG-5R/1:15/V60

Technique: 15 grams of coffee powder steamed with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, then injected to 125 grams, then injected to 225 grams after seeing the powder bed, see the powder bed to remove the filter cup, the total extraction time: 2 minutes