Coffee review

How big is the v60 filter cup? how many cups of coffee can be made at a time?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more information about coffee beans please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) in Japanese, HARIO means "king of glass". Since its establishment in 1921, the Japanese company has been committed to producing high-quality glassware to meet the needs of consumers and industry. One of Hario's most popular glass inventions is their glass coffee droplets.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In Japanese, HARIO means "king of glass". Since its establishment in 1921, the Japanese company has been committed to producing high-quality glassware to meet the needs of consumers and industry. One of Hario's most popular glass inventions is their glass coffee drip pot, Hario V60. The Hario V60 is a cone-covered coffee machine specially designed to produce a cup of evenly brewed coffee. The V60 is one of the most popular handmade coffee machines on the market today, while the Hario V60 model 01 has three different glass bases, available in white, red and black. V6001 also has high quality ceramics and durable plastics. 01 size is the smallest V60 size available. We recommend brewing one or two small cups at a time. For larger eyedroppers, please refer to our Hario V60 size 02 list.

Suitable for single cup brewing.

Preferably with a V60 size 01 white paper filter or a V60 size 01 brown paper filter (can be added from the above options).

Brewing allows you to brew coffee directly into a cup or server.

The curved bulge inside the cone allows coffee to flow out from the side and bottom of the eyedropper.

Hands-on brewing allows you, the user, to control the brewing time and temperature.