Coffee review

The characteristics of Hero Coffee beans washed by Ethiopia introduce the way to share Yega Xuefei coffee by hand flushing water.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-Ethiopia Sidamo Hero washed Coffee introduction Hambella (Humbera) is located in Ethiopia's largest coffee producing area (GUJI), the administration is affiliated to Olomia

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie-introduction to Hero Coffee in Sidamo, Ethiopia

Hambella (Humbela) is located in GUJI, the largest coffee producing area in Ethiopia, and the administration is subordinate to the state of Oromia. The west of Hambella is across the mountain from kochore. The two producing areas are separated by highlands with an elevation of 3200 meters and a width of about 30 kilometers, and are connected with the shakiso,Uraga and Kerchaz producing areas of Guji in the east and south, respectively. It is the highest coffee producing area in Ethiopia (Harrar is the main producing area in Ethiopia).

Today, Qianjie would like to recommend this coffee bean from Ethiopia's TOH champion. It has an absolutely powerful name-Ethiopian Hero washing (Ethiopia ·Hero Sorsa Washed).

TOH, or "Taste of Harvest", initiated by the African Coffee Association (African Fine Coffees Association, referred to as AFCA) and held annually among 12 coffee-producing countries in Africa, is similar to the COE competition in America. The difference is that TOH competitions are not only at the national level, but also at the regional and African levels.

The TOH competition process is roughly as follows: in the preliminary stage, the batches with cup test scores less than 80 points are eliminated, from which the highest quality raw beans from each region are gradually selected to enter the national competition, and then by domestic and international judges together, cup testing and scoring are carried out based on the standards of the American Fine Coffee Association (SCAA), and the highest score is the annual national champion.

Ethiopian Hero washing (Ethiopia Hero Sorsa Washed)

Origin: Guji Guji, Hambella Wamena area, Dimtu City, Haro soresa Manor

Variety: Heirloom, Ethiopian native species

Altitude: 2000-2150 m

Variety: Heirloom

Handling method: Washed

Baking degree: Light

Flavor: red pomelo / tropical fruit / cherry / apricot / high sweetness / juice feeling

Second Runner-up in 2016/17Ethiopia National Taste of Harvest competition (first place in Water washing Group)

The runner-up in the Ethiopian Coffee Competition during the harvest season in 2016 and 2017.

Hand punching parameters: 15g powder, V60 filter cup, water temperature 91 ℃, ratio of powder to water 1:15, grinding degree BG 6S (Chinese standard 20 sieve pass rate 58%).

Technique: steam 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, small flow evenly injected to 120 grams of water, when the water level is about to expose the powder bed, continue to inject water to 225 grams, and so on, remove the filter cup when the water level is about to expose the powder bed, and do not want the water at the end. The extraction time for steaming starts at about 2 minutes.

Knowledge expansion: Ethiopia, in this country, coffee is mostly wild or semi-wild, growing in fields, backyards or under forests. What farmers receive is actually a large platter of different natural varieties, so Ethiopian coffee beans are usually labeled as "original species, ancestral species (Heirloom)".

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