Coffee review

World famous Coffee varieties introduction to Kaddura Coffee varieties

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more information about coffee beans Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) when it comes to coffee, we all know that Arabica (mostly) is better than Robusta. But take a closer look at Arabica and you will find that there are many different varieties in the world. If you have ever seen the words SL-28, Pacamara or Catuai on a bag of coffee

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

When it comes to coffee, we all know that Arabica is (mostly) better than Robusta. But take a closer look at Arabica and you will find that there are many different varieties in the world. If you have ever seen the words "SL-28", "Pacamara" or "Catuai" on a bag of coffee and have only a vague idea of their meaning, then this coffee is for you.

Strictly speaking, coffee varieties are divided into two distinct camps: varieties and varieties. Varieties are formed either by abnormal variations-for example, cherries that are much larger than other plants of the same variety-or by natural crossing with another variety (a different species in rare cases!) The cultivated varieties are roughly the same, except that the changes are created or cultivated by humans.

In fact, Arabica coffee itself is a cross between Robusta (coffee) and another little-known coffee variety (coffee eugenics), is a relatively new variety. In the area where this happens in eastern Ethiopia, there are thousands of natural Arabica varieties growing in the wild!

Peter guiliano is one of the most knowledgeable coffee professionals in the world and a great teacher. He is the director of the SCAA Coffee Conference. It is less than 30 minutes long and represents a quick start to how Arabica is promoted around the world and how the different commercial varieties and varieties you encounter today are produced. It ends with a very brief description of what you can expect from some of them. It's worth your time.

After Sasa Sestic won the 2015 World baristas Championship, a little-known breed of coffee, Sultan Sudan Rume, appeared on everyone's lips.

A legendary coffee variety that originated in the Boma Plateau and is located in southeastern Sudan near the Ethiopian border. This area is considered to be the birthplace of Arabica species. Sudan shea wood has long been used by plant breeders as a source of "high quality" genes, but it is rarely planted because of its low yield.

As the price of coffee rises, let us expect more low-yield but delicious varieties to be grown commercially. Not long ago, Tim Tim Wendelboe made a cultivation cupping at Los Pirineos farm Farm in Los Pirinos, El Salvador. Among more than 50 varieties, he thinks Sudanese milk is the highest.