Coffee review

V60 coffee filter cup usage v60 coffee filter cup use steps hand brewing coffee v60 technique

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) 1. Unfold + Clean Open the filter to V60 and rinse. Carefully press down the upper edge of the filter paper, while pouring boiling water into the center of the filter paper, slowly rotating outward. This step ensures that you have good contact between the filter and the ribs of the V60 while also flushing

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

1. Deployment + cleaning

Open the filter to V60 and rinse. Carefully press down the upper edge of the filter paper, while pouring boiling water into the center of the filter paper, slowly rotating outward. This step ensures that you have good contact between the filter and the ribs of the V60, while also flushing the paper flavor of the filter and preheating your blood vessels. When the hot water passes through the filter, dump your server.

Step 2 repeat

No whole bean coffee. Use your favorite grinder to grind coffee in a medium precision environment. Remember, height plays an important role in your grinder setup. As the altitude rises, you will find that you need to grind the coffee finer. To learn more, please click here.

Step 3 grinding

Pour the freshly ground coffee into the V60 filter. Lift V60 and shake the filter paper to distribute it evenly on the filter paper. Then put the V60 back in your wine container. Put the wine container and V60 on the scale and open it. If the scale is not 0, press the tare/ 0 button.

Step 4 flowering

Now that everything is set, you can start the timer on the web page and pour hot water into the center of the coffee grounds. Slowly pour in in circular motion until the scale is displayed. Wait 30-45 seconds, let the water soak the coffee grounds and let the carbon dioxide escape, giving the coffee time to release its properties into the water. The master poured wine hint: "is there a problem with flowers seeping out?" Dig a hole in the middle and let the water form a cradle on the uneven surface.

5. Hand drop

After absorbing all the sweetness, you can start timing / stopwatch shooting, let the scale read in a few minutes, and keep your pour time every 20-25 seconds. When pouring, be sure to pour water into the center of the filter paper and flow out spirally to make sure you don't touch the filter paper. After reaching the scale, let the coffee flow out of V60 slowly. Once the dripping stops, remove the V60 and discard the paper filter. "if you exceed the target time for brewing, your grinding may already be too fine. If it is finished too quickly, then your grinding will be too rough.

Step 6 enjoy

Close your eyes.

Stay away from everything around you, except for the dizzying aroma of coffee.

Now it tastes...

Try to identify and describe the fragrance in your own words. Chocolate? Is it crazy? Flowers? Is it sweet?

The moment has finally come. Try some coffee.

Slowly focus on the taste and let the coffee cover your tongue evenly. When will the dazzling sour taste come? What does it taste like? Is it sweet? Is it more like caramel or candy? Carefully prepared coffee is neither too bitter nor too astringent. Instead, it will show an amazing array of tastes that bring many carefully controlled steps, from planting seeds to your finished cup!