Coffee review

Coffee is divided into male and female beans? Kopi Luwak is divided into male and female beans? is there a gender?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-Indonesian coffee male and female beans introduction in fact, the coffee tree itself is not divided into a public tree and a female tree. Coffee flower is a kind of plant with both male and female organs, which belongs to Rubiaceae. Since it is androgynous, there is no difference between the male tree and the female tree.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie-introduction of Indonesian coffee male and female beans

As a matter of fact, there is no distinction between a male tree and a female tree. Coffee flower is a kind of plant with both male and female organs, which belongs to Rubiaceae.

Since it is hermaphroditic, there is no difference between male and female trees, and naturally there should be no difference between male and female beans. Furthermore, the original English word of "Gongdou" is "Peaberry" or the abbreviation "PB", but it is not called "Male Beans". The word "Gongdou" is just a common name in Chinese. in fact, he has another name, "Yuandou".

The difference between cod bean and mother bean

There are three kinds of seed forms in the coffee fruit. Except for the rare triangular beans, in a normal fresh coffee fruit, the spherical coffee seed is composed of two coffee beans together, the plane is relatively inward and the arc is outward. This common form of coffee beans is called Flat Berry, which is also called mother bean. On the other hand, a small number of round beans whose seeds do not split and show complete oval particles are called "public beans".

In a normal coffee tree, when the fruit is ripe, there is no distinction between the male bean and the mother bean. Only by peeling off the fruit can you see the shape of the bean inside. If the raw coffee bean has been evenly divided into two halves, like a peach, this is the mother bean. If it is round and there is only one whole bean, it is called a public bean. In fact, there is only a difference in growth form between the two, not a gender distinction. The common name in Chinese is indeed easy to be misunderstood.

How is the public bean formed?

Under what circumstances will lead to the emergence of public beans?

Growing at the tip of a coffee branch may lead to the emergence of male beans in the coffee fruit.

Prolonged drought or malnutrition or blooming too early and too late lead to the unsound internal development of coffee fruit. due to the competition for survival, one bean "eats" another bean and gives birth to a male bean. The coffee fruit suffers from diseases and insect pests during its growth, which leads to the imperfect internal development of the coffee fruit and gives birth to the male bean.

Is the male bean good or the mother bean good?

Some people think that if it is a male bean grown at the end of a coffee tree, it will receive more light and calories, and its own supply of nutrients will be exclusive, and its flavor will naturally be better than that of mother beans grown in the same tree; there is also a saying that male beans are easier to tumble than mother beans because of their physical characteristics, which is good for improving baking uniformity.

Knowledge: Pacamara is a hybrid of Pacas Pacas and Marago Rippi Maragogype found in El Salvador in 1950.

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