Coffee review

What brand can I recommend the Smart Cup? why is it called the Smart Cup? The difference between hand punching and V60 filter cup

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-Smart Cup introduction Smart Cup, originated in Taiwan, the full name is CleverCoffeeDripper, is a filter cup with a controllable on-off valve at the bottom. Because it's in the name

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: qjcoffeex

This coffee filter cup originated in Taiwan and its full name is "Clever Coffee Dripper". It is a filter cup with a controllable on-off valve at the bottom. "Clever" has a clever meaning, so it has been given a lovely and unique name-Smart Cup.

Smart Cup brand recommendation

As for which brand is good for Smart Cup, Qianjie Coffee people use the Mr. Clever brand, and the company that changed the brand is the first to develop and apply for the Smart Cup patent, and only this brand can be marked as "Smart Cup" when the product is sold. Other brands can only use what is called "switch cup" or "quasi-smart cup" when selling.


Is the Smart Cup suitable for beginners?

Smart cups are invented in the hope that both novice and veteran coffee can make coffee with the same taste and minimize other factors that affect the flavor.

Many friends start from the V60 filter cup when they come into contact with hand-brewed coffee. Watching the barista pour water intently and the coffee dripping lazily out of the filter cup, that picture is beautiful. But when I make my own coffee, I find that there are too many factors (such as water temperature, filter cup material, grinding thickness, water speed, etc.) will affect the coffee flavor.


This also leads to a different quality each time when making coffee. From the operation, we can see that it is very difficult for ordinary coffee filter cups to achieve consistency every time they make coffee, and the emergence of smart cups is to solve these unstable factors.

The characteristics of smart filter cups

In appearance, the smart filter cup is a trapezoidal hand filter cup. There are grooves on the inside, which can create a gap between the filter cup and the filter paper to allow the water to flow. The biggest feature is that there is a piston valve at the bottom, and the water pressure will close the piston valve during water injection, so that the water will not flow out of the filter cup. The water will flow only if the filter cup is buckled on the cup and the piston valve is forced to open.


Combining these characteristics, the smart filter cup has two brewing principles: trickling filter (Drip filtration/Gravity) and full immersion (Full immersion). In terms of material, the smart filter cup uses heat-resistant tritan hard plastic, so you don't have to worry about the premature damage of the filter cup itself.

The difference of hand punching between smart cup and V60 filter cup

Smart cup brewing filter coffee is the same as using filter paper to brew coffee, the parameters of using smart cup brewing coffee can always be the same as those of daily hand brewing coffee.

Under the same water temperature, powder-water ratio and extraction time, the grinding degree of the same coffee bean is too coarse, and the coffee flavor is easy to be extracted insufficiently, resulting in insipid flavor and lack of layers. If the grinding is too fine, the coffee flavor is easy to be excessively extracted, that is, after the flavor substances are extracted, the coffee powder is still in contact with hot water and hot water, releasing unpleasant flavors such as wood, resulting in strong coffee flavor but mixed flavor.


Qianjie recommends that the degree of grinding of shallow roasted coffee beans in smart cup filtration is medium and fine grinding (the passing rate of standard sieve No. 20 is 75% ~ 80%), with a water temperature of 90-91 degrees Celsius; the degree of grinding of medium-and deep-roasted coffee beans is medium-coarse grinding (the standard sieve No. 20 passed 65% of 70%), with a water temperature of 88-89 degrees Celsius.

Qianjie Coffee was compared with coffee beans from the Yega Sheffield Tintin Cooperative in Ethiopia. The cooking parameters are as follows: 15g coffee beans, medium and fine grinding (China 20 standard drying net pass rate of 75-80%), water temperature of 90 degrees Celsius, powder ratio at 1:15.


The steps of making coffee in the smart cup are as follows: fold the filter paper into the smart cup, put the smart cup on the container, and preheat the appliance when wetting the filter paper with hot water. Then move the smart cup to the electronic scale (when the valve closes automatically) and pour the ground coffee into the center of the filter cup.


In the first stage, inject 30g of hot water, press the timer and steam for 30 seconds; after steaming, pour hot water to 225g, then soak 1 cup. After soaking, move the smart cup to the container to open the valve and filter out the coffee liquid in the filter cup. The whole process takes about 15 seconds, and the total extraction time of coffee is 2 seconds 3910.

The fruit dingding coffee brewed from the smart cup has a full citrus acidity, a light fragrance of white flowers, honey sweetness and a rich green tea taste.

The steps of brewing V60 filter cup are as follows: fold the filter paper in the filter cup, then put it on the coffee pot, and then preheat the apparatus when wetting the filter paper with hot water. Then pour the hot water out of the pot and pour the ground coffee into the center of the filter cup.


The powder layer was fully wetted in the shape of "hamburger" for 30 seconds with 30 g water, and then boiled in the second stage; in the front street of the second section, the smooth medium-fine water was injected around 125g and then stopped, and the third stage was injected when the water level dropped to 2 / 3 of the powder layer; in the third stage, the medium-fine water was coiled and injected to 225g and finished with water injection, and the total extraction time was about 225g.

The fruit dingding coffee brewed from the smart cup has a bright citrus acid, a faint fragrance of white flowers and a sweet taste like honey green tea.

According to the comparison of Qianjie coffee brewing, it is found that the coffee brewed from the smart cup will be fuller than the whole brewed coffee from the V60 filter cup, and the aroma will stay in the mouth longer.