Coffee review

Coffee beans how to wake up beans is the correct operation shallow roasted coffee beans wake up time to determine the flavor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-individual coffee beans, wake up beans brief introduction: freshly roasted coffee beans, there will be carbon dioxide emissions, so that the pressure in the packaging is higher than an atmospheric pressure, pressure helps to integrate aromatic substances and oils, so that all aromatic substances inside coffee beans reach capacity

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie-A brief introduction to the cultivation of beans and awakening beans in individual coffee

Raise beans:

Freshly roasted coffee beans emit carbon dioxide, making the pressure in the package higher than an atmospheric pressure, which helps to integrate aromas with oils, making it easy to extract all the aromatic substances inside the beans.

The common one-way breather valve on coffee bean bags is used to discharge excess carbon dioxide to prevent the bean bags from being broken by carbon dioxide. However, if the coffee beans no longer emit carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide in the bag will be lost through the breathable valve, resulting in a state of pressure-free preservation, stuffing the coffee beans that may have wonderful aroma and taste, and accelerating the deterioration of the coffee beans.

The deeper the baking, the more exuberant the exhaust effect, and the faster the carbon dioxide is released, so generally speaking, the deeper the baking, the faster you want to paste off the breathable valve.

Bean cultivation time:

The depth of baking degree is also related to the time it takes to raise beans. The deeper the baking degree is, the more obvious the exhaust effect is, and the faster the exhaust reaches the ripening stage.

The shallower the baking degree, the less obvious the exhaust effect, and the longer the ripening time is.


Make the remaining CO2 in the coffee beans escape, and use the principle of oxidation to make the flavor more round and smooth. In order to remove the uncomfortable bitter taste of deep baked beans, the awakening time can be lengthened. If shallow baked beans have enough time to raise beans, the flavor has been fully developed. If the awakening time is too long, the aroma of coffee beans will be lost and the taste will be insipid. Therefore, the time to wake up beans is inversely proportional to the time to raise beans.

Coffee beans for individual use

Usually we use hand-brewing to extract coffee, so no matter what degree of roasting coffee beans are roasted, we can use steaming time to help wake up the beans, so we don't need special wake-up time.

Knowledge: beans must be packed in a bag with an one-way breathable valve.

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