Coffee review

What is the special characteristic of Indonesian manning coffee? what is the difference between manning coffee beans and American coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-Manning and American coffee Manning have the reputation of coffee gentleman, it grows in the altitude 750-1500 meters plateau mountain, implying the perseverance and resolute and resolute spirit, also on behalf of


Medium and deep roasted Indonesian Manning coffee has a strong aroma of coffee, similar to the compound aromas of nuts, dark chocolate, roasted chestnuts, cinnamon and other spices. it tastes as smooth and mellow as caramel and cream, completely filling the whole mouth, with a solid taste and a sweet finish. It is one of the first choices for friends who like to drink strong bitter black coffee.

Why is Mantning mostly medium-deep baking?

Qianjie noticed that in the past, the Mantenin coffee on the market was always roasted in medium and deep depth, showing a classic strong black coffee flavor. With the development of boutique coffee culture in recent years, people began to pursue a more unique taste of coffee, many merchants will launch moderately roasted, or even medium-light roasted manning coffee. The lighter the roasting degree is, the more acid the coffee bean retains, the flavor is mainly fruit, herb and tea, and the thickness of alcohol is lower. We might think, since the medium-to-light baked Mantenin is so fresh, why not be a little lighter?


I believe that friends who often drink Manning should know the wet planing method in Sumatra, which will be poured into the sheller before the final drying process, using greater friction to tear open the semi-dry parchment layer clinging to the raw bean, after friction stirring, the raw bean is easy to be crushed or crushed. The drying speed of "naked beans" without sheep skin is very fast, and at the same time, it is also directly exposed to the humid environment, which is bred by various bacteria.

Although the wet planer does form a unique herbaceous and woody aroma for Manteinghui, it also results in a higher defect rate of raw beans, which can be perfectly covered up by deep baking. In addition, Mantenin's fame stems from the early excavation of the Japanese, and their taste preference is nothing more than the use of Japanese-style deep baking, which is why most Mantenin bake so deeply. Qianjie wants people to drink the classic mantenin flavor, so the two mantenins sold in Qianjie are deeply roasted, including manning rations beans in Lindong and PWN gold mantenin coffee in Aceh.


What grade does Golden Manning belong to?

"Golden manning" is the exclusive brand of PWN Coffee Company in Indonesia. There are many different types of mantenin products on the market. As the PWN company registers the English "Golden Mandheling" of the golden manning as the company's trademark, only the golden manning coffee produced by the PWN company is the gold manning in the real sense. You can identify the authentic gold mantenin according to the raw bean sack with the PWN logo and a certificate of origin signed by PWN, which are displayed in the Dongshankou store in Qianjie.


At that time, the Japanese took a fancy to Sumatran coffee after buying it for a long time, and gradually found that the quality of local beans was often mixed. So he paid more attention to the production of Mantenin and began to formulate strict standards and methods for screening defects, including the density, specification, shape, chromaticity and other values of beans, and the resulting Mantenin needed to be removed by machine and manner. to ensure that the resulting Mantenin particles are complete, uniform, large and bright, but also reduce the soil and fishy smell of Mantenin. It is rumored that it is golden in the sun, so it is named "Golden Manning".

The classification of raw coffee beans in Indonesia is based on the number of defective beans, supplemented by specifications. General quality requirements are no live insects, no mildew and rotten beans, with a maximum moisture content of 12.5%. The impurity rate is less than 0.5%. According to the defect rate will be divided into six grades, of which the highest grade G1, the total number of defective beans in 300g samples must be less than 11. The Lindong Manning coffee in the Qianjie food bean series is G1, which is treated with wet planing, which is the conventional version of Indonesian Mantenin flavor.


PWN, which is the best in screening, buys Mantenin raw beans with more than 18 mesh, and the G1 grade with less than 3 defective beans in 300g samples, that is, the highest grade of Indonesian raw beans. In the follow-up, 1 machine selection + 3 manual selection of defective beans will be carried out in strict accordance with the standard to ensure that the shape and size of Mantenin coffee beans are uniform. In addition, PWN will also put the raw beans in the machine for density color separation before packaging, so as to make the golden manning color even and bright.

Is there only bitterness in the hands of Manning? Maybe you didn't flush it well!

The parameters of brewing coffee in Qianjie are based on the characteristics, roasting degree and flavor of coffee beans. Mantenin is a kind of deep-roasted coffee, and baristas in front street choose KONO filter cup to brew these mellow beans. KONO filter cup compared with v60 has a smooth surface, weak exhaust effect, straight ribs only 1/4 of the filter cup, so that the coffee layer and hot water to form immersion extraction, the taste of coffee is more round and mellow. The KONO filter cup is also suitable for coffee such as Brazil's Queen's Manor Coffee and Jamaica Blue Mountain No.1 Coffee.


Deep roasting loosens the internal structure of coffee beans, and we can crush them with a gentle pinch of our hands, which shows that the coffee beans are highly absorbent after grinding into powder. In order to prevent coffee powder from releasing too much bitterness after absorbing water, Qianjie will thicken the grinding degree and flush it by hand with cooler water.

The degree of grinding is one of the key factors affecting the taste of coffee. After grinding into powder, coffee beans come into contact with hot water and release a large number of flavor substances soluble in water. A tool is used to adjust the grinding degree in the front street-China 20 0.85mm standard sieve. The screening rate of medium and shallow roasted coffee beans in front street is always 75%, while that of medium and deep roasted coffee beans is 70%. Compared with light roasted coffee, medium and deep roasted Mantenin beans have a looser internal structure, so they have better water absorption and are easy to release macromolecular bitter substances. In order to avoid excessive extraction, Qianjie chooses a thickness of 70% of the pass rate of the No. 20 standard screen.


Water temperature and grinding degree play a similar role. The higher the water temperature, the higher the extraction efficiency of coffee, the easier it is to release various substances, and the higher the concentration is. If you use hot water that is close to boiling, it is easy to extract unpleasant bitter substances, so if you deep-bake coffee beans, Qianjie will use different cooking parameters from light-roasted coffee beans. There are more caramelization reactions than lightly roasted coffee beans, so it is easier to release bitter macromolecules. In order to avoid excessive extraction of miscellaneous flavor, Qianjie will lower the water temperature a little bit. The brewing temperature of light roasted coffee is 91-93 ℃, and 87-88 ℃ is recommended in the front street of medium and deep roasted coffee beans.

Recommended cooking water temperature: 87-88 degrees

Coffee powder: 15g

The ratio of powder to water is 1:15

Degree of grinding: medium and coarse grinding (Chinese standard No. 20 screen pass rate 70%)


The brewing method uses three-stage water injection, which is divided into three stages to better show the mellow taste of golden Manning coffee and the sweetness of caramel.

The first stage of steaming water injection 30ml, this stage of water injection all wet coffee powder, exhaust, in order to better extract the flavor substances of coffee. The second section is injected with 100ml, which mainly flushes out Mantenin's golden foam and raises the powder layer. In the last section, 95ml is injected into the soft center, which can improve the sweetness of the coffee, showing a thick and mellow taste, the sweetness of caramel and the flavor of chocolate and nuts.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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