Coffee review

A brief introduction to three processing methods of coffee beans the characteristics of washing coffee beans highlight the original flavor

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-Coffee treatment introduction tanning is the oldest method of treatment, according to literature, as early as 1000 years ago in the 11th century AD, the Arabs began to use the sun to treat coffee fruit. Because of the refreshing effect of coffee, coffee from Allah at that time

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Introduction to Qianjie-Coffee treatment

Solarization method

Tanning is the oldest method of treatment. according to literature, Arabs began to use tanning to treat coffee fruits as early as 1000 years ago in the 11th century. Coffee was called "Arab wine" when it was introduced into the West from the Arab world because of its refreshing effect.

The sun drying method is to reduce the water content of coffee by drying more. Tanning is the oldest of all coffee treatments, and the idea of tanning has been passed down since coffee entered mass production. Today, a considerable part of the world's coffee production still uses the sun method.

Honey treatment

Honey treatment, called HoneyProcess or Miel Process, called Honey Coffee, does not mean that coffee beans are covered with honey. The "honey" here refers to the mucous layer of coffee pulp. After harvest, coffee cherries peel off the outer pericarp with a peel machine, leaving the pulp after the sun, so that the sweetness of the pulp can enter into the beans, and it does not have to take as long as the sun method, which is a popular treatment at present.

Washing treatment method

Washing treatment is one of the most popular methods among the three treatments, and most boutique coffee beans will choose washing method. Washing process: selecting → to remove pulp, → fermentation, → washing, → drying, → shelling, → selection and grading → export.

Excellent: washed coffee beans do not need to worry about mildew, and the quality of coffee is more stable. Bad: the steps are tedious, need to introduce a continuous supply of running water for cleaning, the cost is relatively high.

Flavor characteristics: washed coffee is clean, tasteless and refreshing. Coffee usually has bright sour and fruity aromas, such as Ethiopia and Kenya with extremely clear flavors.

Washed coffee is closely related to the flavor of coffee beans, and origin and environmental conditions play an important role in increasing flavor. Almost 100% of washed flavor depends on the natural sugars and nutrients absorbed by coffee beans during their growth cycle. This way is designed to taste the internal flavor of coffee beans, rather than the flavor added to the bean surface.

Knowledge: honey treatment is divided into three kinds: yellow honey, red honey and black honey.

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