Coffee review

What's the difference between coffee beans and flat beans? is coffee round beans and flat beans more round and fuller?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-coffee round beans, flat beans introduce round beans and flat beans, round beans are relatively small, the taste is more rich, so the price is higher, flat beans, then the larger size is generally more expensive, but there may also be varieties are not necessarily good. In the coffee fruit, there are two pieces affixed to each other.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie-introduction of coffee round beans and flat beans

Round beans and flat beans, the relative output of round beans is relatively small, the taste is more rich, so the price is also higher, flat beans with large volume are generally more expensive, but it is also possible that the variety is not necessarily good.

There are two beans affixed to each other in the coffee fruit. After peeling off the peel, the two beans can be separated. Each is a coffee bean. Because the opposite side is flat, it is called flat beans or lentils.

Beans are not well divided into two when growing, and one is after maturing and shelling. This one is oval, so it is called round bean. The yield of round bean is less, and it is common in the branches of young coffee trees, accounting for about 5% of the total output. Because the yield is less, the price is more expensive, and the flavor does not change much.

Coffee beans are washed and dried, flat beans and round beans. The coffee beans are dark and light in color. Through deep roasting, the coffee beans explode, doubling in volume and reducing their weight by nearly 1 inch 4. In the process of roasting, coffee beans gradually produce volatile flavor oil, so that various flavors can reach a perfect balance. Coffee beans, even in the same producing country, will have subtle effects on the flavor and quality of coffee beans and produce their own characteristics because of the differences in climate, altitude and soil quality in different regions.

The correct words are "flat bean Flat Beans" and "round bean Peaberry". Under normal circumstances, there are half-divided flat beans (seeds) in a coffee berry, but in a few cases the internal seeds do not split, but a round bean with complete oval particles. Generally speaking, the yield of round beans is about 50% of that of flat beans.

Peaberry round bean

Some coffee drinkers think that peaberry has a stronger aroma, because normal coffee beans should have two seeds, but public bean coffee because one of the seeds is stunted, making the other particularly fat, and because it gets double nutrients, so it tastes better than mother bean coffee. At the same time, it is sometimes sold at a high price because of its rare nature. In contrast, the beans are sometimes classified as defective beans and discarded in different coffee producing areas.

Knowledge: coffee flower ovary has two ovules, because it is self-pollination, so the pollination rate is very high, usually two ovules will be pollinated successfully, and developed into a coffee berry with two seeds (flat beans)

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