Coffee review

Coffee beans Yega Chevy which is good to drink in the sun Yega Chevy coffee has high sweetness and thick taste

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-Yejia Xuefei Coffee introduction about 2010 China started a trend of drinking boutique coffee, those who are addicted to boutique coffee, are all fascinated by the flower and fruit aroma of Yejia Xuefei, especially the unique fermented red wine of sun-dried Yejiaxefin makes people cheek fragrance and aftertaste. Yega

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie-introduction to Yega Chuefei Coffee

About 2010, China started a trend of drinking boutique coffee, those who are addicted to boutique coffee are all fascinated by the flower and fruit aroma of Yejia Chuefei, especially the unique fermented red wine of Yejaschefe, which makes people stay fragrant and aftertaste.

Yirgacheffe is from Ethiopia, the hometown of coffee.

Yejasuefei is a small town, 1800-2300 meters above sea level, with an average annual rainfall of 1400-1800. The soil is rich in minerals and organic matter red brown soil, located in southern Ethiopia, is synonymous with fine coffee.

It has been a wetland since ancient times. The ancient saying "Yirga" means "settle down" and "Cheffe" means "wetland". The coffee here is rich in fruity aromas, the sour and sweet of ripe fruit, and the BODY is thick and smooth with a long finish. As a result, Ethiopian coffee farmers compete to take pride in the flavor of their coffee, making it the most famous coffee-producing region in Africa.

The process of sun-drying coffee is to pick fully ripe cherry fruits and immediately put them on the drying shed bed for sun exposure, so that the sweetness of the flesh can be absorbed by beans. Sun treatment is especially suitable for areas where there is a lack of water, or in a very dry environment. In order to avoid excessive fermentation or even mildew, the fruit must be turned frequently on the drying bed to allow air circulation to dry evenly, when the fruit is dried in the sun. Then sent to the dry processing plant (dry mill) to remove the dried pulp, the sun drying procedure is actually quite complicated, and it is easy to fail in the process, but good sun treatment can bring stronger sweetness, thicker taste and more detailed sour taste.

Flavor expression

Exquisite Yega Chuefei sun treatment, through the siphon kettle with 1:12 powder ratio, you can smell distinct flower and fruit aroma, rich and bright citrus acid tail accompanied by caramel and chocolate mellow, strong and varied flavor.

Knowledge: the Arabica system was probably first discovered in southern Sudan, but it did not flourish until it spread to Ethiopia.

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