Coffee review

People who like Mantenin are not afraid of bitterness. People who like Manning coffee are as mellow as they are.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-Manning coffee introduction flavor is rich, bitter and mellow, with a little sweet taste. Most coffee lovers drink on their own, and it is also an indispensable variety for blending coffee. Manning coffee is produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia, also known as Sumatra.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Front Street-introduction to Manning Coffee

The flavor is rich, bitter and mellow, with a little sweetness. Most coffee lovers drink on their own, and it is also an indispensable variety for blending coffee. Manning Coffee is produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia, also known as "Sumatran Coffee".

Mantening contains a kind of masculinity, drinking with a feeling of dripping, wanton and galloping, implying a great spirit of perseverance and courage. Manning is the Caesar in the coffee, the iron hoof is broken into the ancient desolation, vertical and horizontal yellow sand.

After baking, the beans are very large, and the raw beans are brown or dark green with a special aroma like caramel and a mellow taste. Mellowness and bitterness can be fully revealed. The appearance of Mantenin coffee beans is arguably the ugliest, but coffee fans say that the worse the Sumatran coffee beans are, the better, mellow and slippery they are.

In addition to the mellow taste of Indonesian coffee, there is also a bitter sweet taste, sometimes mixed with a touch of mildew, which is popular with people who like to drink concentrated roasted coffee. Sumatra manning coffee is called "classic" because it is stored in the cellar for three years before export.

But the collection coffee is not old coffee, but slightly pale coffee through special treatment, this kind of coffee is more full-bodied, the acidity will decrease, but the mellowness will increase, the finish will be longer, and will bring a strong spicy flavor, sometimes sour, sometimes walnut, sometimes chocolate. Before Blue Mountain Coffee was discovered, Manning was regarded as the best coffee.

Palate: rich and solid, with pleasant sour taste. The smell is mellow, the acidity is moderate, the sweetness is rich and very intriguing, it is suitable for deep baking and exudes a strong aroma.

Knowledge: Mantenin is not the name of producing area, place name, port or coffee breed. It is the transliteration of Mandainin mandheling people in Indonesia.

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