Coffee review

How about goddess Rosa Coffee in Coffee Flavor characteristics of Colombian Rosa Coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) front street-Rosa Coffee introduction Geisha is an Arabica coffee variety from GeishaMountain in southwestern Ethiopia, transliterated as Rosa in China.

How about the coffee goddess Rose Summer Coffee?

Geisha is an Arabica coffee variety originating from Geisha Mountain in southwest Ethiopia, transliterated as "Guixia" in China. The seeds were taken from Geisha Mountain in southwest Ethiopia in 1931, transplanted to Kenya in 1931 - 32, transferred to Tanzania in 1936, and introduced to Costa Rica in 1953.

It is not known when Jaramillo was introduced to Panama, except that the Price Peterson family of Panama's Hacienda La Esmeralda bought Jaramillo in 1996 and discovered that the coffee flavor on the edge of the estate was unique, so they entered the Panama "Extraordinary Cup"(COE) competition in 2004. After identification, the variety originated from Ethiopia "Rose Summer Mountain", so it was called "Rose Summer" coffee. Panama rose summer coffee has been auctioned for nearly $290 per kilogram.

Flavor characteristics of rose summer coffee

In 1931, Guixia was exported from Geisha Mountain in southwest Ethiopia to Kenya in obscurity, Tanzania and Costa Rica, and transplanted to Panama in the 1960s. After nearly half a century, it was amazing, defeating the ever-winning varieties such as Boben, Kadura, Kaduai and Tibika, winning the first prize in the 2005, 2006 and 2007 Panama National Treasure Bean Cup Test Competition.

Rose summer coffee beans are world-famous because of its rich floral, citrus berry, fruit juice, the lower the temperature, the more delicate the acid, the overall rich flavor. Coffee cultivation throughout Panama revolves around the Chiriqui Volcano region. Rose summer coffee beans can be said to be quite picky about the growing environment. It needs to be planted in areas with high altitude, cloud shade or a large number of shade trees and fertile soil to harvest charming flowers, delicate fruit acids and rich taste flavors.


Rose summer coffee belongs to Panama's Emerald Manor's rose summer coffee is the best to drink, this is also because Panama's micro-climate environment has created a special flavor of Panama's rose summer. After rose summer became famous, manors were planted everywhere. In addition to Panama's rose summer coffee, there were also rose summer coffee from Colombia, Guatemala and Costa Rica. Although Panama's rose summer coffee was very good, the rose summer coffee flavor from other producing areas was also very good!

Colombia coffee growing environment

Colombia is the world's third-largest coffee exporter, mainly Arabica coffee, and the country that exports the most Arabica beans. Colombia is rich in products, especially coffee, flowers, gold and emeralds known as the "four treasures." Colombia is located in the northwest of the South American continent, bordering Panama in Central America. From an overhead view, it looked like a cat had scratched its west side; three vertical claw marks were left from north to south. The country's famous producing areas are scattered among these Andes mountains with fertile volcanic soil.


Colombia Cymbidium Province is located in the intersection of the central and eastern Andes mountains, located in southern Colombia. The coffee planting area of Cymbidium is centered on Pitalito City, with coffee planting altitude of 1750-1950m, mainly based on smallholder planting mode. In the past decade, coffee farmers have worked together to harvest and carefully process coffee fruits, and finally turn them into fine coffee beans that can highlight the flavor of the orchids. The front street in the cup test a number of coffee beans from the orchid region, they have nuts and caramel aromas and soft berry sweet and sour.

Colombia Cymbidium

The Herrera family of Hope Farm in Colombia introduced Rosette Coffee from Emerald Estate in Panama in 2007. Although it failed at first, after years of trial planting, it won the first place in COTY - Coffees of the Year held by the American Fine Coffee Association in Houston in April 2011.


Colombia Cymbidium Province is located in the intersection of the central and eastern Andes mountains, located in southern Colombia. The coffee planting area of Cymbidium is centered on Pitalito City, with coffee planting altitude of 1750-1950m, mainly based on smallholder planting mode. In the past decade, coffee farmers have worked together to harvest and carefully process coffee fruits, and finally turn them into fine coffee beans that can highlight the flavor of the orchids.

Montblanc Manor

Finca Montblanco is located on the winding mountain road of Veridara Tocola in Pitalito and is a coffee estate run by the owner Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia, whose coffee cultivation dates back to his grandfather. Montblanc Manor is located on top of a hill and covers an area of about 18 hectares. The estate has abundant water resources and perfect washing equipment and drying equipment, so most of the coffee beans produced in the estate are washed, including special treatments derived from washing treatment.

Hanami Guixia Coffee

Flower rose summer coffee comes from Colombia's most famous cymbidium producing area. Colombia coffee is no stranger to everyone. Colombia is very famous in the fine coffee industry, and cymbidium producing area is the representative of Colombia classic flavor, with the flavor of nut caramel and the sour and sweet feeling of berry. Hanami Coffee This coffee bean is a combination of rose, kadura and kaduai. The washing method is also a classic traditional treatment method. Very intense chamomile and pink pepper notes at high temperatures, rose and summer notes at medium temperatures, citrus and honey notes, slightly bitter and almond notes at low temperatures.


coffee varieties

The coffee beans that Qianjie bought this time are a mixture of rose, Kadura and Kaduai. Initially, Kadura and Kaduai coffee varieties were planted on the estate. In 2016, the owner and his team introduced the summer variety from Panama. The harvest began in 2020 and the mass production phase began in 2021. So this coffee bean is the first time Monteblanc Manor has sold Rosedale beans to the market.

See here will have friends ask this bean is still a single coffee bean? Single coffee beans refer to coffee beans grown in a single (same) coffee producing area/estate, not a single variety of coffee beans, so this rose summer blend coffee beans belong to single coffee beans.


The rose summer variety has beautiful narrow leaves, fruit and green beans are also slightly narrower than other Arabica coffee, sensitive to growing conditions, excellent flavor performance at high altitudes, and low harvest.

Cadura: A natural variety of Bourbon, discovered in Brazil in 1937. Its tree is not as tall as bourbon, but shorter. Due to the inheritance of bourbon pedigree, so the disease resistance is relatively weak, but the yield is higher than bourbon. Although found in Brazil, cadura is not suitable for growing in Brazil, so it is not widely cultivated in Brazil, but is widely cultivated in Central and South America, such as Colombia, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. For example, Colombia Moonlight and Rose Valley Coffee on Front Street are both Kadura varieties.


Kaduai: Variety of coffee artificially crossed between Kadura and Mondu Novo. Kaduai inherited Kadura's short trees, which did not need shade, were easy to plant and easy to harvest. It also has better natural disaster resistance than the New World. There is a good acidity in the flavor. Kaduai usually presents two types of red fruit and yellow fruit.

water washing process

Colombia is the largest country for washed coffee and the largest country for washed Arabica. So most coffee beans are washed. The owner first floats the picked fruit to remove under-dense/rotten coffee fruit and branch sand. The peeled fruit is then fermented in a fermentation tank for 18-36 hours in order to remove the pectin layer through the acid produced by fermentation. After fermentation, the coffee fruit is cleaned and finally dried in the sun to reduce the moisture content of the coffee beans to about 11%. Sun-dried coffee beans are stored with parchment on them until the parchment is removed before export.


Front Street Baking Advice

Due to the high moisture content of the new season beans, the former street baker will extend the dehydration time during the baking process to evenly heat the bean surface and the bean core. In order to express the sweetness, acidity and rich aroma of this bean, the beans are baked in a medium light degree.


Front Street Brewing Colombia Rose Summer Coffee Parameters:

Front Street uses medium fine grinding/fine granulated sugar (China No. 20 standard sieve sieving rate 80%. Use 15 coffee powder, then brew with V60 filter cup, 91 ° C water temperature, 1:15 powder/water ratio and three-stage water injection method.


The three-stage extraction is carried out by stewing twice the amount of coffee powder with water, that is, 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, and the reason why the stewing process is needed is to allow the coffee powder to discharge the internal carbon dioxide gas, so as to make the extraction in the latter stage more stable. Water is injected into the filter cup by small water flow in a circle until 125 grams, and then water is injected into the filter cup until 225 grams. After the water drops in the filter cup are finished, the filter cup is removed. The extraction time is 200 "from the beginning of water injection. Next, shake the whole cup of coffee evenly and pour it into the cup to taste it.

Colombia rose summer coffee flavor characteristics: lively and bright acidity, floral, fruity aroma, medium body, balanced taste soft, long sweet finish.


Front Street Brewing Coffee Advice:

For coffee brewing, Front Street has always believed that the freshness of coffee beans has a great relationship with the flavor of coffee, so the coffee beans shipped by Front Street Coffee are roasted within 5 days. Front Street Roasters 'motto is "Freshly Roast Good Coffee," so that every customer who orders coffee receives the freshest coffee. Coffee has a growing period of 4-7 days, so when the customer gets it, the flavor is at its best.

For friends who need grinding, the front street reminds you warmly: coffee beans are ground in advance, so there is no need to raise beans, because in the process of transportation, the pressure generated by carbon dioxide in the package can also make the coffee flavor mellow, so you can drink a cup immediately after receiving coffee powder. However, coffee powder needs to be brewed in time, because coffee powder oxidizes faster after contact with air, that is to say, the flavor of coffee will disperse faster, and the flavor of coffee will not be so good. Therefore, Qianjie recommends buying whole beans and grinding them now, so as to better taste the flavor of coffee.


With the advance of fine coffee, Colombia coffee also introduced anaerobic treatment coffee beans on the basis of washing, such as: Colombia flower moonlight, Colombia rose valley, etc., its flavor is more floral, berry and fermented than washing coffee beans, washed coffee beans are cleaner, nuts black with soft fruit acid. Qianjie believes that washed coffee beans are the most local flavor, but the special treatment of coffee beans flavor is also very tasty!

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

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