Coffee review

Coffee making process of different coffee utensils

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, An introduction to Coffee the hand brewing apparatus includes coffee bean grinder, coffee cooking pot (filter cloth type), coffee cup, spoon, coffee sugar, vacuum coffee maker, filter cloth bag and drip (drip type), cream ball. There are three common cooking methods, namely siphon type, drip type and filter type. Each method has its own coffee.

An introduction to Coffee the hand brewing apparatus includes coffee bean grinder, coffee cooking pot (filter cloth type), coffee cup, spoon, coffee sugar, vacuum coffee maker, filter cloth bag and drip (drip type), cream ball.

Cooking methods there are three common cooking methods, namely, siphon, drip and filter cloth. The coffee made by each method has its own taste.

1. Siphon: these are two spherical containers connected up and down by a glass tube, and a filter cloth is placed at the bottom of the upper glass container (funnel) to prevent coffee powder from falling into the lower container (long-necked flask). When the water is heated in a long-necked flask, the water in the long-necked flask boils and the pressure is higher than the normal pressure. when passing through the tube, the boiling hot water rises and comes into contact with the coffee powder in the funnel and is extracted. After that, keep the long-necked flask away from the fire, the air in the inflated long-necked flask will contract, and the coffee pulled out of the funnel falls into the long-necked flask again, and the mellow coffee comes on stage!

two。 Drip type: the drip type is very popular in Europe, and families in Japan also use this method. Most of today's extraction appliances have been changed to drip type. The dripping apparatus has a groove on the inside and three holes in the bottom. It is a very simple way to cover it with filter paper and inject boiling hot water into a large number of coffee powder.

3. Filter cloth type: in fact, it is also a kind of dripping type, but the material required is slightly different from the previous method, the last method requires filter paper, and this method requires filter cloth (velvet cloth filter). First rinse the filter cloth once, wring out as much as possible, put the fluffy part on the outside, then put the coffee powder on the outside, and flatten the surface, put the boiling water to about 95 degrees, and then pour the coffee powder in a whirlpool from the center of the coffee powder to the outside. When the coffee powder is completely impregnated with boiling water, stop for 10 minutes and 20 seconds until it expands, and then pour the second boiling water when the expansion stops. At this time, the amount of boiling water is about twice that of the first time. When there is foam on the surface, continue to pour the third time when the foam does not disappear completely. The essentials of the third time of boiling water are the same as the second time. At this time, do not directly pour boiling water to the outer flannelette, and the coffee is ready. Siphon cooking is made up of two spherical glasses arranged up and down, and is widely used in families, hotels and coffee shops. It is the greatest charm to enjoy the coffee while enjoying the brewing process. Practice: coffee for two (and so on for three) pour boiled water 240CC into a spherical beaker, wipe the water droplets on the outside and heat them with an alcohol lamp. Install a velvet filter cloth at the bottom of the funnel-shaped extraction cup, pull the spring to the front of the siphon to fix it, and place 20 grams of coffee powder (increase or decrease according to your taste) in the extraction cup when boiling water rises to the extraction cup, stir the coffee powder evenly with a bamboo ladle so that the ingredients of the coffee powder are completely released. Be careful to avoid leakage caused by excessive stirring. After about 20 to 30 seconds, the coffee will flow from the filter cloth to the beaker. After the coffee from the refining cup has flowed down, you can take it off. Gently shake the beaker to make the coffee liquid uniform, about 87 degrees is the ideal drinking temperature, can be poured into the coffee cup to enjoy. Precautions: avoid brewing coffee repeatedly, because after the second brewing can only get smoky brown water rather than coffee beaker in high heat, avoid contact with cold water and cause rupture, and should pay attention to the cup without water or coffee when there is no fire baking to prevent cracking. After the filter cloth is used, it should be fully cleaned and kept in water or refrigerator to avoid the smell of oil and dirt after drying. Because the mouth of the beaker is very small, the key to cleaning is to brew it with warm water or lemonade immediately after use, wash the coffee oil completely and leave it cool and air-dried. The secret of brewing coffee: caffeine is a mild stimulant that contains less caffeine in our daily drinks such as tea, cocoa and chocolate. Caffeine is also found in carbohydrate drinks such as cola and some anesthetics. It can accelerate the metabolism of the human body and keep people clear-headed and sensitive. Therefore, the refreshing effect of coffee is very popular. So, how to make a cup of coffee that is not only refreshing, but also fragrant, strong and mellow?

1. The next bottle should be dried and there should be no water droplets. When you pull out the upper seat, tilt to the right and pull it straight up, do not break it. The spring under the middle filter should be tightened, the hook should be hooked and pulled to the center; 4. When plugging into the seat, plug it down tightly; 5. Pay attention to water quality: pure water, purified water, magnetized water, distilled water, do not use mineral water; 6. The temperature is between 80 and 90 degrees Celsius. Punch time: all 50-60 seconds (do not exceed the time too long); 8. Coffee beans should be fresh, not damp or kept for too long; 9. Coffee is best brewed freshly; 10. When brewing coffee, pay attention to the direction of the wind, do not blow the source of fire directly; 11. Pay attention to the size of fire sources: strong fire, large fire, medium fire, small fire, small fire; 12. Beat the boiled coffee powder loosely, pour it out, and then rinse the bottle with clean water. The number of grinding bean segments is about 2.5 to 3.5, the basic principles are: acid bean rough grinding, bitter bean fine grinding, new section high, old section low; 14. The coffee cup should be warmed first; 15. The filter should be soaked in clean water or refrigerated to extend the service life of the filter cloth; 16. When pulling out the upper seat, the emphasis is on grasping the handle of the lower seat with the left hand; 17. The water in the lower seat had better use hot boiled water, which can save boiling time; 18. The poking method should be correct, not the stirring method; 19. The remaining water in the lower seat had better be poured out, and when the coffee is almost finished, the remaining foam will be separated; 20. When the stick is plucked, just insert 2pm 3, do not scrape to the bottom of the filter; 21. The stick should not touch other moisture in the middle of boiling and then take it back and pull it out. Coffee powder and water should be correct; 23. When cooking, cover the upper seat with your hand, smell it with your nose, fan it with your hand, and then smell it with your nose. Wipe the bottom of the lower seat with a wet cloth, and then wipe the left and right sides; 25. Coffee beans should be formulated correctly; 26. Be sure to wait for the water to boil before you insert it into the upper seat. Italian mocha / steam compressor steaming originated in Italy, which means "very fast" in Italian and is characterized by the instantaneous extraction of coffee liquid by vapor pressure. The principle of using Italian mocha is the same as that of steam compressor, but it can only be used by one or two people. Practice: coffee for two (mocha) put 16 grams of coffee powder into the upper half of the filter and press the powder tightly with a spoon. Injection of 260c.c. Put the water in the lower half of the water, and then fasten the two parts together. Heat the assembled utensils over medium heat. When the boiled water boils, the mocha hisses, indicating that the water in the mocha passes through the middle tube and sprays the coffee powder in the filter, and the coffee liquid is drawn out and stretches the tube to the coffee bar. From boiling water to coffee to coffee bar, it takes about two or two. The engine can be turned off in five minutes. Pour the brewed coffee into a preheated coffee cup to drink, or add hot water to dilute it to an appropriate concentration.

Note: in order to improve the extraction effect, the coffee powder in the filter should be pressed hard and well covered with the water in the lower half, so that the steam will not leak out. Although the taste of Espresso is very strong, the 700 kinds of essence of coffee are quenched out because the steam pressure forces it to pass through the cell wall of coffee in 15 to 30 seconds, and because the brewing time is very short, the amount of caffeine dissolved is relatively reduced. This is what makes Espresso special. Espresso can not only taste the original taste of coffee, but also make all kinds of fancy coffee based on it. Vietnamese coffee has its own style. Coffee beans are deeply roasted and extracted into coffee by drip filtration. It's called a dripping pot in Vietnam. Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk, this is unique, if added with ice, it will become iced coffee.

Now talk about the specific use of Vietnam Didi pot: 1, preparation items: Vietnam Didi pot condensed milk Vietnamese local coffee beans coffee spoon 2, untie the Didi pot, take out the pressure plate and prepare. 3. Pour an appropriate amount of condensed milk into the coffee cup. 4. Add your own coffee powder, it is best to be more detailed. 5. Dig two spoons with a coffee spoon (estimated to be about 15 grams) 8, and then leave for about 3 minutes. It's three minutes. It's finished. 6. Shake the coffee powder flat, install the pressure plate, and then tighten it. 7. Put the drip pot on the cup and pour some water, which refers to the standard of soaking coffee powder but not dripping water. This step is also used in follicular coffee, the technical term "steaming", after 20 seconds or so put about 90 degrees of water, full. Raw material formula (calculated in terms of 100 kg finished products): granulated sugar 92.5 kg coffee powder 7.5 kg water 3 liter production equipment: one oven, one sheller, one fan, one mixer, one grinder, one sieving machine and one drying room.

Production method: 1. Coffee processing selection: remove sand, soil and sundries from coffee. Roasting: roasting and cooking in a coal furnace of 130 to 160 ℃, the temperature is strictly controlled to prevent carbonization. Kill the green: in the roasted coffee beans, add 0.2% of the oven special koji while it is hot and simmer for a few minutes. Peeling and crushing: coffee beans are peeled off their shells and then shredded by a grinder, and then the coarse particles are removed by 100 mesh. To make its uniformity consistent. two。 White granulated sugar processing crushing: first-class white granulated sugar is processed into 90 mesh powdered sugar by grinder. Rub the sugar bone: add 3% water to the powdered sugar, mix well with the machine and make the sugar bone by hand. Molding: put the sugar bone into the molding mold under pressure, then use a small stick to poke a small hole in the molded sugar bone, add a certain amount of coffee powder into the sugar bone, and then press the sugar bone. Drying: place the molded candy into a 60-70 ℃ baking room on an iron tray and bake for about 2 hours. Inspection: pick out the products that do not meet the requirements, such as missing corners, leaking coffee, color on the surface, etc. Packing: White wax paper inside, aluminized foil paper for external packing, and then packed. Quality standard: the physical and chemical indexes of this product are: sucrose content 1.95%, moisture 1.0%, caffeine 0.1%, fat 1.1%, ash not more than 0.5%, reducing sugar 1.0%. The net weight of each piece is 21.5 grams, 50 yuan in each box. From the appearance, the color of the product is white and the shape is correct. At the same time, the fragrance is unique, which has the effect of rib digestion, removing greasy, invigorating stomach and eyesight. Coffee milk beverage technological process coffee bean → extraction → coffee pulp →→┐│ ┌→ filling (glass bottle, etc.) → sterilization → cooling → finished milk → (skim milk, whole milk) │→→ filter → homogenization →││ └→ sterilization → cooling → aseptic filling (carton, etc.) → finished white sugar, caramel, syrup and other →→┘