Coffee review

What brand of coffee beans in Africa is good? what are the characteristics of the flavor of Jiaxuefei coffee?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, For more information about coffee beans, please follow the front street of Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style). The origin of coffee is found in Ethiopia, which is located in Africa. Ethiopia is also the earliest place for human beings to develop, and it has been a coffee culture for thousands of years. Despite the frequent wars in Ethiopia, it has never been

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Front Street-Ethiopia Yegashefi Region Introduction

The origin of coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia in Africa, Ethiopia is also the place where mankind first developed, coffee culture has been thousands of years old.

Although Ethiopia is frequently at war, it has not been colonized by foreign powers. Coffee cultivation is different from forced cultivation by other coffee-producing countries around it. The people of Ethiopia drink more than half of the country's production every year. It can be imagined how important coffee is to the local area. Because of this, the authorities have even restricted access to coffee in order to compete for foreign exchange, and have prohibited coffee from being freely circulated or transported to northern regions where coffee is not produced. This is completely contrary to other coffee-producing countries 'efforts to increase domestic consumption.

Ethiopia has an important position in the world. In addition to being the birthplace of coffee, Ethiopia has a global coffee flavor spectrum. Coffee flavors from all over the world can be found in Ethiopia. Yejia Shefei is a famous coffee producing area in Ethiopia. Its geographical location is just on the eastern edge of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa. The terrain is relatively complex. The west is Abaya Lake. It has been a natural wetland since ancient times. The water resources are quite rich. Natural geographical factors have created Yejia Shefei's position in the international coffee explosion.

The term yekashefi locally means: let us settle down in this wetland. Local residents even believe that this is the site of the Garden of Eden of human origin.

Yirgacheffe is located in the Gedeo region of southern Ethiopia, which is better known as Yirgacheffe and Kochere. Yirgacheffe coffee has a unique flavor, unique style and popularity, so it has a unique product classification and has always occupied a place in the global fine coffee market. Yega Shefi in Sidama Province

(Yirgacheffe) itself is a small town, adjacent to three small producing areas Wenago, Kochere and Gelena Abaya, because the flavor of coffee produced is almost the same as that of Yirgacheffe, so Gelana Abaya is also drawn into the regional classification of Yirgacheffe. In November 2009, Ethiopia implemented a new trading and grading system. In addition to Yega Shefi, Wenago, Kochere and Genlena/Abaya were newly added, which shows that the flavor of these three regions is extremely detailed and can be subdivided.

Yejia Shefei is popular among coffee lovers all over the world for its natural citrus and fruit aroma, and different estates and processing plants have achieved a variety of different flavors. This period of yega-shefi production area cool but not cold climate, tropical but not hot, rainy but not humid, fresh and clean air, but also foster a unique natural flavor. Fresh harvest beans (New Crop), and washing method, so that the taste is quite clean and bright, you can taste fresh citrus and floral. Also because of this unique floral flavor, yejia sherry is very suitable for cold brewing and iced coffee, taste like black tea refreshing with a slight aroma. Hot water brewing is recommended to control the water temperature at 91 degrees Celsius to avoid losing part of the fruity flavor.

Wet/Washed Process

After harvesting, the beans are soaked in water to remove the immature coffee beans floating on the water surface. The soft coffee is then removed by machine, and then fermented in water for one to three days. The surface membrane will be peeled off. Finally, the water content will be 12% by sunlight or drying.

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