Coffee review

Do you know how much caffeine you should eat every day? What happens if you eat too much caffeine?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Daily life is inseparable from caffeine, but how much is the right amount? It's always painful to get up in the morning. It's hard to concentrate on your work without a cup of coffee. Adults always lament that they don't have enough time to maintain, but children, socializing, and work can sometimes turn life into a mess, and a cup of coffee may keep us awake for a few more hours and do more. An item

Daily life is inseparable from caffeine, but how much is the right amount?

Getting up in the morning is always painful, and it's hard to concentrate without a cup of coffee.

Adult life always laments that there is not enough time. Although we try hard to maintain it, children, social activities and work sometimes make life a mess. A cup of coffee may keep us awake for a few hours and do more things.

The study, titled "Unified Performance Models for Predicting Sleep and Caffeine Effects," provides "the first mathematical model to predict sleep duration and caffeine dose in humans over a wide range of laboratory and field conditions."

In the study, 14 combinations of insomnia and caffeine doses were used to predict average population performance.

The experiment tested how much caffeine sleepless people should consume under different circumstances to feel like they had gotten eight hours of sleep.

The study showed that:

If you get only five hours of sleep at night, you should drink two cups of weak coffee when you wake up and two cups four hours later.

If you get enough sleep, but you need to work the night shift, drink two cups of weak coffee before your shift.

If you can't sleep for the next day or two, you should drink two cups of coffee at 4 a.m. and 8 a.m.

To get the most benefit from caffeine, you should not consume more than 400 mg of caffeine per intake.