Coffee review

Description of flavor characteristics of Ethiopian Hovsa coffee beans introduction to the taste of Yega Xuefei slow sun-cured coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The flavor of Hofsa Village in Ethiopia has 12 standard fermentation buckets in the Hofshah Village Lu treatment Plant (hafursaHarustation), and the treatment method is in accordance with international regulations. There are more than 160 dry bedsteads with their own codes. With these codes, you can control and track the location.

The Flavor characteristics of Hofsa Village in Ethiopia

There are 12 standard fermentation barrels in the Hofshahe Village Lou treatment Plant (hafursa Haru station), and the treatment method is in accordance with international regulations. There are more than 160 dry bedsteads with their own codes. With this code, you can control and track the progress of the process. The village of Hofsa is located about eight kilometers west of the center of Yejasuffe town, and is located in the environment of 1900-2200 meters above sea level on the surrounding slopes. The high-altitude berries delivered by nearby farmers all have the typical basic tonality of Hovsha / Horu village: the washing treatment has obvious lemon tone, bright, high-pitched and fine texture.

Slow drying method

Usually during the drying stage, Ethiopia's washing plants are exposed to a well-ventilated "African bed (African Bed)", especially when using single / thin layers of shelled beans (berries for sun exposure), the sunny sunshine that is common in the harvest season coupled with very good ventilation can often make the drying rate very fast. Even if the African bed of normal thickness is exposed to the sun, it usually takes only 10 to 12 days for the beans to be washed in the continuous sunny day. If you use single-layer drying, the drying efficiency can also be improved, which should be called "quick drying", which is disadvantageous to the formation of coffee flavor.

It is worth mentioning that the imitation can often see a specious treatment, called "single-layer slow drying", is really wrong. Because, easy to see the principle is: the thinner the exposure layer, the better ventilation, the better the degree of exposure. This will only make the drying rate faster rather than slower, and a single layer of exposure is required to get the result of slow drying, but this method of treatment, because of its resounding "jianghu title," is now often used and quoted by contestants in major competitions on both sides of the strait and three places, and spread in front of judges and spectators.

In-depth agronomic principle is that too fast drying rate will cause the outer layer of washed shell beans to contract too quickly, shallow will cause the hard shell layer to crack, and heavy will cause damage to the inner structure of coffee beans. High heat and high water loss rate during drying can also cause heat shock and damage of phospholipid membrane (Lipid Bilayer) in endosperm cells of raw beans, which directly impairs the flavor of raw beans. In fact, the life span of the damaged endosperm cells is shortened, which in turn leads to the shortening of the storage and taste period (shelf life) of raw beans.

The "semi-shade slow drying" method focuses on reducing the heat of sunlight, using a seemingly primitive shade net to block the entry of sunlight. Of course, the shading rates of these shading nets are different, and their effects are more or less different. But the key principle is: since the air is already quite dry, there is really no need to let 100% direct sunlight bed, so that shell beans are overheated and dried by the sun. After using the illuminance meter (Lux Meter) to measure and set the shading rate, the original drying period of 10-12 days can be accurately extended to 16-18 days or even 26-30 days. After many blind tests to verify the difference and the change of cup test score, the parameters for this year were established.

Slow drying treatment and washing G1 in the village of Yejasuefei Hofsa, Ethiopia


■ country: Ethiopia

■ area: Yirgacheffe Yega Xuefei

■ area: Hafursa, village of Hofsa

■ altitude: 2200m

■ treatment: slow drying treatment and washing

■ level: G1

■ flavor: lemon mixed with dry fragrance of nectar, imported with lemon fruit fudge, sour and sweet, unrestrained and fine texture, juicy and rich, mixed with marshmallow, honey jasmine aftertaste, sweet and attractive.

Different from the previous washing methods, the slow drying method after washing with water is used for dehydration. Due to the longer drying time, the longer fermentation period and the lower logistics loss rate of the contents, so there are very different experiences in flavor performance and aftertaste. At the same time, it also gives consideration to environmental protection.