Coffee review

Characteristics of Papua New Guinea Coffee Coffee flavour of Chateau Coffee taste how to make a good Blue Mountain

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Papua New Guinea, also known as Papua Newquilla, is an island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, covering mainly the eastern half of New Guinea and Indonesia (Indonesia) to the west. Papua New Guinea has a population of about 8 million. English is the main language, and there are about 850 different languages.

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea, also known as Papua Newquilla, is an island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, covering mainly the eastern half of New Guinea and Indonesia (Indonesia) to the west.

With a population of about 8 million, Papua New Guinea is mainly spoken in English and has about 850 different dialects. It is a country with a rich culture.

Papua New Guinea is an equatorial rainy climate zone, dominated by tropical rain forests, volcanic rocks and plateau topography between 1200 and 2500 meters above sea level, so it is rich in natural resources. "coffee beans" is one of the main import and export agricultural products. But the local output is small. About 85% of the total coffee production is produced by the garden cultivation system of small farmers.

It is said that the coffee trees in Papua New Guinea were originally grown from the stock of Blue Mountain varieties, so some people say that New Guinea beans are descended from Blue Mountains, but the two taste different. At present, there are many large and small coffee estates in New Guinea.

Chimeier Manor

Located in the Wiki Valley of the western plateau of Papua New Guinea near the kimel Valley, Chimere Manor, like many large farms / estates, has its own washing plant, but it is in fact an estate owned by many independent small coffee farmers of the surrounding Opais people and, in a sense, a private cooperative.

Due to the good growth environment, fertile volcanic soil, cold alpine microclimate, luxuriant trees in the original forest, planting with Albizias and Grevilleas shade tree species, good management and environment-friendly, natural ecosystem cultivation, irrigation with organic fertilization and recycled water treatment. The coffee produced has an active sense of brightness and retains a considerable degree of flavor uniqueness of Papua New Guinea coffee, making Kimel Estate Chimere Manor Coffee one of the best-known coffees in Papua New Guinea.

Kimmel, Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea Kimel

■ country: Papua New Guinea, Papua New Guinea

■ producing area: Waghi Valley in Wiki Valley

■ Farm: Chimere Manor Kimel Estate

■ altitude: 1500m

■ varieties: Typica Tibica, Mundo Novo New World, Catimor Katimo, Caturra Kaddura, Arusha Arusha, Blue Mountain native species Blue Mt.

■ altitude: 1580 m

■ treatment: traditional washing treatment

■ flavor: tea, spice flavor, clear acid levels, sugarcane sweet smooth, creamy smooth, soft and dry, the latter part of nuts, milk toast, peanuts.