Coffee review

Why is the Lion King of Sidamo called this name? what's the difference between the flavor of the Lion King and Yega Xuefei?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Origin: Sidamo Guji processing plant: Shilicho Cooperative altitude: 1800-2000m bean seed: Heirloom treatment: sun treatment harvest method: manual harvest baking degree: medium-shallow baking flavor features: sweet blueberry aromas with lemon aromas, rich flower and fruit aromas, peach fruit honey aromas with surprisingly bright acidity and full berry aromas

Origin: West Damoguji production area

Treatment plant: Shilicho Cooperative

Altitude: 1800-2000m

Bean Seed: Heirloom

Treatment method: sun treatment

Harvesting Method: Manual Harvesting

Baking degree: medium light baking

Flavor characteristics: Blueberry sweetness with lemon aromas, rich fruity aromas, peach dried honey aromas and surprisingly bright acidity and full berry fruit aromas

Sidamo grows in the southernmost Ethiopian plateau at an altitude of about 2000 meters. It is a famous boutique coffee area in southern Ethiopia, bordering Kenya, southeast of Gemma and due south of the capital. It is usually sweet and popular with most people. Its annual output is about 225000 bags/60kg. Sidamo coffee flavor is very diverse, with different soil types, microclimate and countless native coffee species. The production area is high mountains, highlands and plateaus. Valleys and plains, varied terrain, fertile, well drained volcanic soil, nearly two meters deep, dark brown or brown topsoil. Its greatest advantage is that soil fertility is maintained through the recycling of organic matter, using withered leaves from surrounding trees or plant roots as fertilizer.

Guji production area is located in the southeast of Gedeo area where Yejia Shefei is produced, with a flat plateau at an altitude of 2100 meters, but it is higher than Yejia production area, with the highest altitude exceeding 2600 meters. It is also much higher than ordinary Sidama and has a larger area. The coffee flavor produced by Guji is very rich and unrestrained. In recent years, it has also formed its own unique flavor and formed an independent producing area.

Sun-drying is the oldest and most primitive method of processing coffee beans. Compared to washing, this drying method of coffee is also called "natural coffee" or "sun coffee". The harvested coffee fruits are exposed to direct sunlight for about two to four weeks. It is usually used in countries with dry and humid climates.

After picking, the beans have not been specially selected and treated, and the uneven quality and maturity are mixed together. The process is relatively rough, so the quality of coffee beans is unstable and easy to have defective beans.

Coffee farmers usually find a vacant lot near their homes to deal with, so there are often a lot of impurities or dirty things on the ground, and coffee is easily contaminated with impurities.