Coffee review

The best time to drink coffee the basics of coffee: explore freshness-how to keep coffee fresh?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, You probably know that the freshness of coffee has an effect on the taste. Admittedly, freshness is a sign of specialty coffee and one of the main factors that attract many people to explore what the coffee industry has to offer. But what do people mean when they say freshness is important? What do you mean the coffee is fresh? How freshness affects the coffee you drink at your local coffee shop or home

You probably know that the freshness of coffee has an effect on the taste.

Admittedly, freshness is a sign of specialty coffee and one of the main factors that attract many people to explore what the coffee industry has to offer.

But what do people mean when they say freshness is important? What do you mean by "fresh" coffee? How does freshness affect the coffee you drink at your local coffee shop or home?

Freshness starts from where the coffee grows.

How do you measure the freshness of unbrewed or raw coffee?

The way coffee is picked, processed, dried, stored and transported has a significant impact on the lifespan of coffee-based green coffee, which can be measured by the deterioration of coffee taste over time. For example, our coffee department found that over time, one of the most critical aspects of the stability of raw coffee is to dry it to a moisture content of 9.5-10.5%. This and other factors help keep unroasted coffee stable and avoid the possible negative effects of too much moisture, such as mold or physical degradation. Ideally, coffee should be roasted as soon as possible after it is shipped from the country of origin. In most cases, this means that coffee will be used within four months of arrival.

How do you measure the freshness of roasted coffee?

There are two main factors to consider when considering freshness from unbaked coffee to roasted coffee: when the coffee is roasted and how to store it after opening the bag. Just as you want to use fresh produce immediately after picking, or fresh bread immediately after baking, coffee is best drunk immediately after baking.

Another factor to consider is how long the coffee should "rest" after roasting and before grinding and brewing.

So, how long should coffee rest before grinding and brewing?

One of the characteristics of specialty coffee at the beginning of its birth is that coffee should be used as soon as possible after roasting. As a general rule, you should start using coffee roasting for 3-5 days of brewed coffee and 5-7 days of espresso. While these are still good guidelines, as the specialty coffee industry shifts to buying denser green coffee at higher elevations and lighter roasted surfaces, the best window for roasted coffee is wider than before.

Why did you give the coffee a break?

The purpose of letting coffee rest is to let carbon dioxide gas escape. This makes it more efficient and even brewed, resulting in more balanced and sweeter coffee. With thicker, lighter roasted coffee, the best taste can appear within 10-14 days after baking. A typical example of our coffee is Idido or other East African products. These coffees really begin to open within the range of 10-14 days of roasting with an amazing balance of floral aroma and sweetness. When you buy coffee at your favorite coffee shop, consider this long ideal baking window. The bag baked a week ago may actually be in the best literal and metaphorical position. Be sure to find a "baked" date, not the "best" date. In short, our coffee is more delicious than ever before.

Once you have bought coffee, how should you keep it fresh at home?

Although there are many opinions on how to store coffee, our best suggestion is to store the whole bean coffee in the original package, squeeze the excess air out of the bag through an one-way valve and seal it, or put it in an airtight container that does not allow oxygen to enter, allowing carbon dioxide to escape. In either case, coffee should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Once opened, it is best to use coffee within two weeks to get the best results.