Coffee review

Comparison of coffee beans and small grain coffee beans newly produced in Ethiopia in 2021

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Qianjie is also very concerned about the arrival of Huakui Coffee 5.0 in the new production season in 2021. When the first batch of Huakui 5.0 arrived at the store in April, Qianjie immediately roasted and tested it, and compared it with the small Huakui coffee beans specially loved by Qianjie. How to distinguish between Huakui coffee beans? Open the search engine to search for Sakuran coffee beans, you will find that there are Sakui 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 before

Qianjie is also very concerned about the arrival of Huakui Coffee 5.0 in the new production season in 2021. When the first batch of Huakui 5.0 arrived at the store in April, Qianjie immediately roasted and tested it, and compared it with the small Huakui coffee beans specially loved by Qianjie.

How to distinguish between Huakui coffee beans?

Open the search engine to search for Sakuran coffee beans, you will find Sakui 2.0, 3.0, 4.0. Here in front of the street, I will simply help you sort out the difference between these Sakuran coffee beans.

Let's go back to 2017, when a sun-dried coffee bean from DW's "Buku Aebl" processing plant won the champion of the TOH sunburn group, when Chinese raw bean merchants introduced the champion bean to China and named it "Sakuran". At this time this coffee bean has a strong strawberry and cream aroma. In addition, Li Jianfei from Beijing won the runner-up in the 2017 World Coffee Brewing Competition in China with this Sakui coffee (the other participating beans were rosy summer). This also adds a lot of fame to Huakui coffee beans. Note that at this time, Huakui Coffee Bean has the title of 2017 TOH champion bean.

Subsequently, DW increased to four processing plants in Humbera, namely "Buku Abel", "Buku Saysay", "Haro Soresa" and "Tirtiro Goye". Then it launched Sakui 2.0 in 2018, Sakuran 3.0 and 3.1 in 2019, Sakuran 4.0 in 2020, and Sakui 5.0 this year in 2021.

Therefore, it is not difficult to see that the naming of Sakui X.0 is based on the year, so when you see Sakui 3.0, you will know that it is the coffee beans of 2019 season, and when you see Sakui 4.0, you will know the coffee beans of 2020 season. In addition to the rule of year, Sakui coffee in 2017 is only sun-cured coffee beans processed by the "Buku Aebl" processing plant, while DW's processing plant is expanding and production is increasing year by year. Its flavor is also obviously different from that of Sakui in 2017. strictly speaking, only the sun-dried coffee beans treated by the "Buku Abel" processing plant can be called Sakui coffee beans.

The flavor and aroma of Xiaogui are very familiar with those of Sakuran in 2017. At the beginning, Qianjie drank a flavor similar to that of 17-year-old Sakuran in 2018 and 2019, but not as thick as 17-year-old Sakuran. Qianjie found that the main source of the aroma of Sakui in 2017 is that there are some particularly small-grain varieties of Sakui coffee beans, and similar small-grain coffee was also found in Sakui in 2018 and 2019. Starting from 2020, the processing plant will deal with the small grain Sakuran independently again, so the small grain Sakuran does not belong to the [X.0] series. Since 2020, DW will separate the small grain varieties to form the small grain Sakuran coffee beans.

Comparison between Xiaogui and Huakui 5.0 coffee beans

First of all, the comparison of raw beans and cooked beans of Xiaogui and Huakui 5.0 was observed. both of them were coffee beans in the new season in 2021, and the granules of Xiaogui coffee beans were obviously smaller than those of Huakui 5.0. The proportion of small seed coffee beans was significantly higher than that of Huakui 5.0.

Qianjie roasted after getting Sakuran 5.0 and compared it with small-grained Sakuran coffee. Through the cup test, Qianjie found that the small Huakui coffee beans have deeper and stronger strawberry aromas and berry sweetness, while the 21-year-old Huakui 5.0 coffee is more active and brighter sour.

Xiaogui: creamy strawberries, citrus, passion fruit, fermented wine

Sakui 5.0: berries, oranges, honey, mangoes, flowers

From the cup test, the flavor of Xiaogui is more similar to that of the 2017 coffee beans, while Sakui 5.0 prefers the flavor of Guji (sour berries, flowers, juice).

Then let's take a look at the flavor comparison of hand-made coffee beans. These two coffee beans both use the following brewing schemes:

Filter cup: V600001

Water temperature: 90-91 ℃

Powder content: 15g

Powder / water ratio: 1:15

Degree of grinding: medium and fine grinding (Chinese standard No. 20 screen pass rate 80%)

Cooking technique: three-stage extraction. Steam with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, small water flow around the circle to 125 grams for sectional injection, water level drop is about to expose the powder bed, continue to inject water to 225 grams to stop injection, and so on when the water level drop is about to expose the powder bed, remove the filter cup, (steaming starts timing) the extraction time is 2 minutes 39 percent 00 ".

Flavor comparison

Small Sakuran: sweet aroma of berries, creamy strawberries, passion fruits, rich sweetness and full taste.

Sakui 5.0: the fragrance of flowers, the sour and sweet feelings of berries, citrus and plums, mango juice, honey and the sweetness of black tea.