Coffee review

Is SOE coffee good? What are its characteristics? SOE espresso beans why light roast how to make?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Passing by the coffee shop, the Italian coffee menu below the words [SOE +3 yuan]. Then what is this SOE? Would it taste better if it was replaced? This article will show you what SOE is. What is SOE? SOE SingleOriginEspres

"passing by the coffee shop, it says" change SOE plus 3 yuan] under the espresso menu. " So what is this SOE? will it taste better if you put it on? This barista Chronicle will show you what SOE is.

What is SOE?

SOE is the abbreviation of "Single Origin Espresso", which means "single-origin espresso". Its focus is to highlight the coffee flavor of a certain area, to put it bluntly, the use of individual coffee beans to make espresso.

In contrast to the Italian blending of coffee beans, Qianjie has repeatedly stressed that the blending of coffee beans is a balance between taste, stability and price, that is, if you want to spell out the advantages of taste and stability, the price will be high; on the premise of price and stability, we have to sacrifice taste.

But SOE is different, first understand its birth background, SOE is just began to rise in recent years, the application of individual coffee beans in the hand can show a variety of flavor with the characteristics of producing areas, coupled with the diversity of information media in recent years, the world baristas competition used a single producing area coffee beans to participate in the competition and this kind of information widely spread. It is also a trend to use individual coffee beans in espresso.

Is SOE coffee a boutique coffee?

In fact, for this question is equivalent to single coffee is boutique coffee? The answer is not exactly equal to that when the concept of boutique coffee was first put forward in the 1970s and 1980s, the primary goal was production. Coffee beans were collected and centrally processed in the producing areas and exported to earn foreign exchange in the form of the country. Imagine that coffee beans of uneven quality are mixed together without obvious negative flavor.

At that time, Ms. Erna Knutsen proposed that boutique coffee was to "cultivate coffee beans with regional flavor under the unique microclimate and geographical conditions of the producing area." The essential meaning is that good coffee should not be mixed with large quantities of commodity beans, but should be independent. It is designed to distinguish it from the bulk commercial coffee on the New York Futures Exchange.

Of course, the single coffee we drink in the coffee shop is almost 100% boutique coffee beans.

Since its birth, SOE has been affixed with coffee with good flavor in the producing area, which means that the quality of the selected coffee beans must be guaranteed. How to highlight the advantages of SOE coffee, of course, is to highlight the flavor, the feeling of bright in front of the eyes. This means that it is not enough to have good beans, but also needs proper baking.

Like Italian beans, in order to meet the lack of stability and the quality of coffee beans, the baking degree will be deepened, then the flavor will be stable. And SOE coffee to show a bright flavor, it can not be the same as the combination of beans, nor can you directly use hand-made light roasted single coffee beans to make SOE, roasted shallowly, the extracted concentration will be extremely sour. Therefore, SOE baking requires a unique curve.

To make a good SOE is not just to choose a single coffee bean of good quality, it takes countless roasting experiments and extraction debugging before you have a chance to achieve the desired effect (sometimes after several baking and extraction, it is found that this bean is not suitable for making espresso). Espresso can magnify the flavor of a single coffee bean, and it will also magnify the defects of this coffee bean. For example, some coffee beans with good flavor will lack in taste. Therefore, in some stores that offer SOE, only 1-2 SOE coffee beans can be found.


Of course, a latte or American coffee made from SOE will have a flavor that cannot be matched with coffee. For example, the American coffee made with SOE can clearly taste the flavors of citrus, flowers and honey, especially the residual aroma of the cup after drinking, which is impossible for some bitterness-based blended coffee.

Is SOE better than mixing coffee beans?

There is a common imagination in the market that most of the mixed beans are for the purpose of price advantage and stable flavor, so the flavor will not be too good, while SOE originally wants to distinguish this type of mixed beans, showing a taste that people can remember, so the flavor will be given priority, of course, the price will be higher.

But this common phenomenon does not prove that SOE is completely superior to matching. In the previous research and development of sunflower sunflower blend, I also thought of making Shirley SOE coffee beans. When I tasted it, it showed a full taste of wine, but lacked sweetness and taste. So I want to increase the sweetness by joining the Yegashifi Red Cherry Project. Finally, through different proportioning tests, 60% of Shirley and 40% of Yega Xuefei were confirmed. This combination tastes better than Shirley SOE.


All in all, the emergence of SOE also represents the higher and higher quality requirements of espresso beans, which is conducive to the development of espresso as a whole.