Coffee review

What is latte What is cappuccino latte Advice

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In front street coffee hot, if you drink latte, its flavor is with whisky, lactose and coffee acid collision milkshake sweet feeling, aftertaste is hazelnut and other nutty aftertaste. The flavor of cappuccino will have a more obvious chocolate flavor, with milk and dense milk bubbles, showing a very full taste, rich and lasting cocoa flavor, accompanied by wine smoke.

In the front street coffee hot, if you drink the latte, its flavor is whisky, lactose and coffee acidity collide with milkshake sweetness, the finish is hazelnut-like finish. And the flavor of cappuccino will have a more obvious wine heart chocolate flavor, with milk and dense milk foam, showing a very full taste, rich and lasting cocoa flavor, accompanied by alcoholic flavor. If you are interested in fancy coffee, you can learn about lattes and cappuccinos along with Front Street Coffee.

What kind of coffee is a latte?

Latte is actually the transliteration of Italian "Latte", meaning milk, so if you order a latte in an Italian coffee shop, you may get a glass of milk. So latte actually means milk coffee in Italy. And with the advent of the Italian coffee machine, the steam bar has become the standard part of the concentrator, which can easily heat milk on the coffee machine, and modern lattes are also taking shape. So much so that in the 1980s, baristas from Seattle, Washington, began to "color" with rich milk, which was the prototype of the flower.

What is cappuccino coffee?

Cappuccino is a classic espresso, which has the same ingredients as latte and consists of milk foam, milk and espresso. At the same time, according to Qianjie coffee, we know that cappuccino can be divided into dry cappuccino and wet cappuccino, dry cappuccino has more milk bubbles and rich taste; wet cappuccino has less foam and more milk flavor than dry cappuccino, but there are more milk bubbles of both. At present, domestic coffee like Qianjie coffee is dry cappuccino practice, thicker milk foam plus the right amount of milk, and the dense taste captures many coffee lovers.

Suggestion on the proportion of hot latte coffee

Qianjie recommends that the ratio of brown milk to latte coffee is 1 260ml 6.5pm 40ml espresso: hot milk. Combine milk and espresso in a circle to get a hot latte. When fresh milk is heated, the sweet molecules of lactose are better released. When mixed with espresso, the whole latte has its own sweet taste of milk and does not steal the limelight of espresso. On the contrary, it can better reflect the flavor of espresso against the background of milk.

Suggestion on the proportion of cappuccino coffee

Cappuccino is usually served only by heat, because if it is made into an ice drink, it will soon dissolve into a latte

Qianjie recommends that the ratio of brown milk to latte coffee is 1 140ml 3.5pm 40ml espresso: hot milk. A cup of hot cappuccino can be obtained by fully blending milk and espresso in a circle. Finally, a simple pattern is introduced gently.

Then this cappuccino is finished.