Coffee review

Brazil COE Cup Coffee often wins Sentain Manor Historical Story characteristics of Brazilian Coffee Bean Flavor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Santa Ins is part of the Serto Group, which, in addition to 75 hectares of coffee, also owns 140 hectares of native forest and grazes their Giorando cattle. Francesco Isidrodias Pereira (Francisco Isidro Dias Pereira) grows five varieties of coffee on the farm: yellow bourbon, red bourbon, yellow Katui, Brazilian berries and New World.

Santa In ê s, which is part of the Sert ã o group, has 140 hectares of native forest in addition to 75 hectares of coffee and grazes their Giorando cattle. Francisco Isidro Diaz Perera (Francisco Isidro Dias Pereira) grows five varieties of coffee on the farm: yellow bourbon, red bourbon, yellow Katui, Brazilian berries and New World. We chose yellow bourbon because of its sweetness and the taste of toast. The goods have been treated with Pulped Natural Process, in which the cherry skins and fruits are removed and the beans covered with sticky parchment are naturally dried. The final stage is the removal of dry parchment before coffee is graded, bagged and shipped to the UK. For more information about farms and processing photos, as well as their photos and videos, learn how they prepare and organize their upcoming crops. We will introduce them in the form of photos below.

Due to the terrain, the harvest of Fazenda Santa Ines has always been done by hand, and the cherries are collected on a piece of cloth. This precaution is taken to prevent coffee from being contaminated or to reduce its quality. After the cherries are picked, they are taken to Fazenda do Sertao, another partner of the Sertao Group, where they are cleaned, pulped and spread, with a view to obtaining high quality products. In line with the continuous efforts of the Sertao Group to improve the quality of coffee, Fazenda Santa Ines employees often visit domestic and international sites to exchange experiences with other growers and make continuous efforts to improve the standards of their coffee production.

Cups: Fazenda Santa Ines is a very sweet, bright coffee with a hint of lemon and cloves. Good fruit penetration, more than most natural products from Brazil. The characteristics of citrus are very eye-catching, but it has delicate texture and distinct layers of complex flavor. Very fragrant, with chocolate, creamy palate and a long, sweet finish. Clean, sweet and well processed. An excellent cup, good value for money.