Coffee review

Introduction of four kinds of coffee beans and their flavor and taste characteristics comparison of caffeine content in coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How often do you drink coffee? Have you ever stopped to think about how there are so many different types of coffee beans or where they come from? if you are a coffee lover, take a closer look at the main types of coffee beans on the market with you in order to really appreciate the coffee front street. The four main types of coffee are Arabica coffee, Robusta coffee, Exeza coffee and Liberian coffee.

How often do you drink coffee? Have you ever stopped to think about how there are so many different types of coffee beans or where they come from? if you are a coffee lover, take a closer look at the main types of coffee beans on the market with you in order to really appreciate the coffee front street. The four main types of coffee are Arabica coffee, Robusta coffee, Exeza coffee and Liberian coffee, which have completely different taste characteristics.

Arabica coffee beans are by far the most popular type of coffee beans, accounting for about 60% of the world's coffee.

These delicious coffee beans originated in the Ethiopian highlands centuries ago, and may even be the first coffee beans in history! The name Arabica coffee may have come from the popularity of Arabia (present-day Yemen) in the 7th century. The disadvantage of Arabica coffee beans is that they are more difficult to grow. As a result, Arabica coffee beans are more expensive. All coffee beans grow in the so-called coffee bean belt, between the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn, in 50 countries around the world. But Arabica coffee beans need extra shade, water and high altitude to grow properly. These plants are more vulnerable to plant diseases and must be planted at an altitude of at least 2000 feet. They are also smaller plants, with sizes ranging from 8 to 15 feet when fully grown.

The second most popular ​​ coffee bean is Robusta coffee beans. The bean originated in sub-Saharan Africa and is now grown mainly in Africa and Indonesia. It is also very popular in Vietnam and is often mixed with coffee mixtures. This is a cheaper variety, making it a very economical choice for bakers.

Robusta beans are bigger and rounder than other beans. These plants are usually much larger than Arabica plants and are between 15 and 20 feet long. Robusta beans are generally thought to be more hardy because they can grow at low elevations and resist disease. But recent studies have shown that they can't handle heat as previously thought. Robusta coffee is hotter and more bitter. It usually has a strong smell and a little insipid, almost charred taste. The caffeine content of robusta coffee beans was also significantly higher than that of Arabica coffee beans.

Native to central and western Africa-especially Liberia, hence its name-Liberian caffeine is highly respected for its spicy floral aroma and bold smoky flavor. This hardy species is often mixed with other species to increase body and complexity, but rarely gets any honor. Before the late 1800s, unheard of in Western civilization, Liberia gained a foothold among coffee producers in Southeast Asia after fungal disease ("coffee rust") destroyed most Arabica coffee crops in the region.

Among enthusiasts, Liberica caffeine is wildly inconsistent and controversial and polarized. Those who have tried this rare breed either like it or hate it. Some coffee drinkers like unusual, nutty, woody flavors and aftertaste. Others compare the smell to burning garbage.

The four main types of coffee beans are called Excelsa. Although it was once considered a separate coffee variety, scientists recently reclassified it as a Liberica variety.