Coffee review

Everything you need to know about coffee cherries Coffee is actually a fruit? Coffee processing methods

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Not every coffee lover knows that coffee beans are actually seeds of coffee cherries. Do you want to know how it went from fruit to your everyday cup? Although coffee cherry pulp has a direct impact on the taste of coffee beans, the pulp remaining during processing is considered waste. But it has some surprising benefits and now has a number of different uses. Want to know more about this?

Not every coffee lover knows that coffee beans are actually the seeds of coffee fruit.

Do you want to know how it changed from fruit to your daily cup? Although the pulp of coffee cherries has a direct effect on the taste of coffee beans, the remaining pulp during processing will be regarded as waste. But it has some surprising benefits and now has some different uses.

Want to know more about this magical pulp?

Is the coffee cherry?

Wait, coffee is actually a kind of fruit?

This is correct. You may know that coffee grows on trees. But what you don't know is that the tree produces fragrant white flowers (some say they smell like jasmine) and turns into cherries like green berries.

When they mature, they appear pink or red and are ready to be picked. Still, there is still a long way to go before they take the form of espresso.

Coffee beans are actually seeds you can find in this cherry-shaped fruit. Technically, the outer skin of the cherry fruit is hard and bitter, and you can find juicy sweet flesh inside, with a sticky layer below to protect the best thing below, beans.

Will it affect your cup?

Some farmers say they can judge the quality of beans by the taste of cherries. Ripe cherries mean darker colors and more developed sugar. Most magic occurs in the method of separating the pulp from the beans.

They distinguish between the two most popular treatment methods. In short, the natural way is to dry the whole cherry and then remove the peel and pulp. The washing method is to delete the beans before you ferment them in water.

Knowing how coffee is processed can more easily improve your expectations for flavor when choosing coffee beans and one of the features you are looking for when choosing a single origin.

Washing is one of the most commonly used methods in the coffee industry, which can produce brighter, more sour and smoother coffee. The coffee produced by natural method tastes fuller, sweeter and more full-bodied.