Coffee review

Is the new happy tea product yellow skin fresh dew really that delicious? Take you to re-engrave the new wedding tea [yellow skin fresh dew]

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Domineering oil mandarin is hot all over the network, and the wave of hand-beating lemon tea has also swept through the summer. Ah hey, is it time for the stunning debut of fresh fruit? have the friends who have tried Huangpi Xianlu, who likes tea, been so surprised that even yellow peel can be used as a drink? After the oil mandarin, let's stop making a fuss! We have to believe that there will be more bizarre minority fruits out of the circle.

Domineering oil mandarin is hot all over the network, and the wave of hand-beating lemon tea has also swept through the summer.

Ah, hey, is it time for the stunning debut of fresh fruit?

Tea-loving Huangpi Xianlu tried friends have been surprised to ah ~ wampee can be used as a drink? After the oil mandarin, let's stop making a fuss! We have to believe that there will be more bizarre minority fruits out of the circle. Are there any friends who know nothing about yellow fruits before Xi Tea comes out of this new product? Raise your hand. I am healthy and comfortable! I'm not alone at last! (finally will not be laughed at by the boss and editorial colleagues-this is a long story, if you want to hear, you can leave a message "Coffee Workshop Yellow Story", Dading online to chat with you ~)

What on earth is this rare fruit that has been searched on Weibo? What does he smell like?

Yellow fruit has a history of more than 1500 years. Wampee is one of the fruits in southern China, which is cultivated in Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, southern Guizhou, Yunnan and Sichuan Jinsha River Valley. Despite this small one, it has a great effect on the human body.

Yellow peel fruit is one of the tropical fruits with high nutritional value, which is rich in vitamin C, sugar, organic acid and pectin. The peel and kernel of the fruit can be used as medicine. It has the effect of eliminating phlegm and regulating qi, and can be used for food accumulation, chest and diaphragmatic pain, phlegm, cough and asthma, etc., and can relieve stagnant heat and colic. It has the effects of eliminating food and invigorating the stomach, relieving qi and relieving cough, relieving summer heat and reducing fire, preventing and curing colds, and so on. Folk wampee is known as "treasure in fruit". In addition to fresh food, yellow fruit can also be used to process preserves, preserved fruits, jams, drinks, etc., or as vegetables, its leaves, fruits and seeds can also be used as medicine.

1.Shengjin to quench thirst

Yellow peel fruit has the effect of invigorating body and relieving thirst, moistening throat and removing dryness, and eating can make people refreshing and comfortable. It is suitable for people with dry mouth, dry eyes, excessive thinking, lack of sleep and talking too much.

2. Clearing heat and reducing fire

When eating yellow fruit in summer, you can chew it with pulp, peel and core in your mouth and swallow it with residue and juice, even if it tastes a little bitter, but it can reduce fire. And when you feel thirsty, stuffy and uncomfortable, eating a few yellow fruits can not only help you quench your thirst, but also prevent heatstroke.

3. nourish the stomach and strengthen the stomach

Yellow skin tastes bitter; pungent; sour, lukewarm, there is a folk proverb: "eat litchi hungry, eat yellow skin", it can be seen that yellow skin has the effect of promoting digestion, and yellow skin can neutralize stomach acid, relieve stomachache, play the role of nourishing stomach and stomach. Can be used for food accumulation, chest and diaphragm pain.

4. Regulating qi

Yellow fruit contains a large number of substances such as ascorbic acid and a variety of amino acids, which can improve the acidity of human gastric juice and stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. Phenols can regulate human qi and relieve fullness pain caused by qi stagnation.

5. Resolving phlegm and relieving asthma

Huangpi fruit contains new cinnamamine A, cinnamamine B, cinnamamine C, phenols, a variety of amino acids, flavonoids, etc., which can not only regulate qi, but also reduce the spasm of smooth muscle and relieve phlegm and asthma, suitable for phlegm, cough and asthma. It can also dilute the viscosity of respiratory tract inflammation and secretions, making it easier to cough, which is conducive to relieving cough and expectorant.

Yellow peel would have a very unique aroma, the fruit is clear and full, a pinch of juice ~ there will be a little astringent, but the magic is sweet and long. Sweet and sour, very top.

Yellow skin is delicious, but don't be greedy.

Although yellow fruit is a warm fruit, it is not hot, but it is rich in organic acids and sugars. Eating too much is easy to stimulate the tongue and spleen and stomach, causing blisters and other symptoms of fever. As the yellow fruit contains more sugars, eating too much is easy to cause blood sugar fluctuations, for people with hypoglycemia can help alleviate the symptoms of hypoglycemia, but for people with diabetes, it is easy to cause high blood sugar. Yellow fruit is rich in organic acids, which can stimulate gastric acid secretion, but if eaten too much, it will lead to excessive gastric acid secretion, causing symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort.

Experts suggest that about 100 grams of yellow fruit a day is OK ~ generally speaking, there is no regulation on the consumption of yellow fruit, but excessive consumption is easy to increase the body's burden and cause physical discomfort, so it is recommended to eat about 100 grams a day. If the gastrointestinal tract is poor and blood sugar is high, it is recommended to reduce some food consumption.

30 yuan a cup, it tastes good, but the meat hurts.

As the raw materials are only produced in limited production areas, the transportation cost is high. "Chaoshan fever", raw material premium, labor and other factors lead to high costs, the price of drinks naturally remains high. What shall I do? Doesn't it smell good if you make it yourself? Collect quickly, Da Ding will take you to reengrave the happy tea [succulent yellow skin fairy dew]

Raw material preparation: oolong tea, yellow fruit, sugar (choose your favorite sugar)

The first step: yellow peel peeling and enucleation (here peeling to hand extraction)

The second cloth: beat the yellow skin pulp, conditional friends directly use the juicer ~

Step 3: add oolong tea and ice cubes

Step 4: add sugar and let all the liquids mix fully.

There is not much difference between happy tea and happy tea, it will be sweet! Add a little more sugar will become a normal unsour sweetness oh ~ yellow flesh tendons had better be removed oh, will affect the taste ~ everyone can do it at home! If you want to unlock more yellowskin practices, if you like more than 10,000, there will be a special Huangpi tune!

In Guangzhou, litchi appears on the market, followed by yellow skin. At work, the neighborhood uncle will give a lot of yellow fruits every time (sweet for free! ). Many old Guangzhou's favorite is the yellow skin hanging on the old tree, the darker the color, the sweeter the more I like it. Thick yellow skin fragrance, good enough flavor.

I suddenly remembered that when I was studying in Hainan, my good friends in Hainan shared the yellow fruit. She said that the more soil the fruit is, the more delicious it is. It is small, thin and full of seeds, and it is very tasty. In addition to old salt and lemonade in Hainan summer, it is complete with old salt and yellow skin water!

In addition to delicious points, the yellow fruit seems to carry a lot of old times.

I'm Da Ding.

See you in the next phase.