Coffee review

Is it sweet to drink coffee with milk and sugar? How to make coffee sweeter and better

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, I first knew the coffee was in the TV series, the protagonist came to the hotel, used to place a cup of black coffee, habitually poured into two packets of sugar, skillfully stirred. This is the impression that many people feel about coffee. Coffee can be sweet without sugar now, you can even hear it, a friend who drinks black coffee will be shocked, this cup of coffee is so sweet! But this is sweet.

I first knew the coffee was in the TV series, the protagonist came to the hotel, used to place a cup of black coffee, habitually poured into two packets of sugar, skillfully stirred. This is the impression that many people feel about coffee.

Coffee can be sweet without sugar.

Now, you may even hear a friend who drinks black coffee later say, this cup of coffee is so sweet! But this sweetness is not the sweetness of sugar directly, but a sense of sweetness, a feeling.

First of all, coffee beans have sweet substances that make people feel the sweetness of coffee (not out of nothing). The amount of these sweet substances also attaches great importance to the quality of coffee. For example, the very sweet Yegashifi red cherry project, because the red cherry project focuses on all red fruit harvest, which is also an important source of coffee sweetness.

Sun-treated coffee will also be sweeter than water-washed coffee, this is because sun-treated coffee contains the skin and pulp fermented together, coffee beans absorb the flavor of the pulp, the sweetness is particularly obvious. Slow sun treatment is also very popular in recent years, which aims to prolong the duration of the sun, make the coffee ferment longer and create a sweeter flavor. The red label of the jadeite estate is used to slow the sun and make the table feel sweet.

Sweet in acid & sweet in bitterness

In drip coffee, the sweetness of coffee does not occupy the main flavor factor, usually with sour taste as the main tone to highlight the sweetness of fruit, or bitter as the main tone to bring out caramel.

Sour coffee beans will be relatively shallow in roasting, reflecting the fruit-like flavor of coffee, just as we usually eat fruit, fruit is not only sour, but also sweet, for example, citrus is sweeter than lemon, peach is sweeter than citrus. The same is true of drinking coffee. When you drink a cup of coffee that tastes like a peach, you will naturally feel that kind of sweetness.

And the coffee with bitter tone as the main tone, usually gives people the first feeling is bitter, very bitter! But a good bitter coffee is sweet in bitterness. Generally speaking, the roasting degree of coffee beans dominated by bitter tone is relatively deep, and the deeper the roasting degree is, the more obvious the caramelization reaction is, producing sweet substances such as caramel. But friends who have tasted caramel all know that the sweetness of caramel is not sweet like sucrose and honey, but a bitter sweet feeling.

Just like when we drink Brazilian coffee or Indonesian Manning coffee, it tastes bitter and sweet caramel.

Sometimes sweetness depends on smelling.

Sweetness is a sense of taste. Smell doesn't recognize sweetness, but you always hear a saying, "it smells so sweet!" This is not that person is lying, but triggers the association mechanism of the brain, such as when you smell the aroma of lemon, you subconsciously feel fresh and sour. Or, for example, hoping for plums to quench thirst.

Sweetness cannot be smelled, but the sweet substances we have tasted will give off fragrance. For example, honey will give off a honey scent, which will make you recognize honey as soon as you smell it. Extremely sweet sweet potatoes will give off the aroma of sweet potato. When you smell the aroma similar to that of sweet potato, it will automatically associate with the smell of sweet potato, which is also "it smells so sweet!" The reason.