Coffee review

Rose summer coffee taste description, what grade of rose summer coffee? Do Panamanian red standard Rosa coffee beans taste good?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Panamanian Jade Manor Rose Summer, can be said to be one of the top estates in the field of boutique coffee, coffee industry everyone knows, Qianjie Coffee believes that whether it is the identity of the discoverer and promoter of Rosa flavor, or repeatedly break the bidding record and other deeds, have made the Jadeite Manor so successful today. Rose


The Panamanian emerald estate that produces rosy summer coffee can be said to be one of the top estates in the field of boutique coffee, and everyone in the coffee industry knows it. Qianjie believes that whether it is the identity of the discoverer or promoter of the Rose Summer flavor, or the deeds of repeatedly breaking the bidding record, it is the factor that makes the Jade Manor as brilliant as it is now.

How does the Emerald Manor carry forward the rose summer?

At first, the rose variety was introduced into Panama as an improved variety, but it was not popular with farmers because of its low fruit yield and low-altitude flavor. In the 1960s, Rudolph Peterson Rudolph A.Peterson, who planned to retire, bought the emerald estate in Bouquete to produce dairy products. In 1973, Peterson's son returned to Poquet to help his father run the farm, began to attach importance to coffee production, expanded the planting area of the estate, and introduced more new varieties, including Rosa.


In the 1990s, many coffee trees on the farm suffered from leaf rust, but Daniel Peterson (Daniel Peterson) noticed that the rose summer tree was not seriously hurt, so they decided to transplant the rose summer, which was originally mixed with other varieties, to more areas of the farm, while increasing its altitude. In 2003, the Peterson family finally discovered the potential of Rose Summer, and when it was tested for the first time, it showed quite strong aromas of white flowers, berries, citrus and bergamot, with an extremely clean finish, thus forming a very typical Panamanian Rosa flavor. The amazing people decided to take it to the 2004 BOP (Best Panamanian Coffee) competition, and won the championship for many times.

In 2005, General Rose Xia of Emerald Manor participated in the evaluation of the American Fine Coffee Association, that is, SCAA, beat many star seed contestants, won the honor of world-class boutique coffee, and won the world champion in 2006 and 2007, so he once again received the attention of the world coffee people. Since then, Central and South America and many producing areas began to introduce rose summer seeds, including Colombia, Guatemala, Bolivia. A small amount of rose summer beans have appeared in Yunnan in recent years.


The emerald red mark is the top rosy summer coffee.

Although many producing areas have planting rose summer, but each producing area has a unique style, different customs create a different kind of coffee flavor, the same rose summer also shows its own flavor tonality. Qianjie believes that the rosy summer flavor can not be so popular without the excellent environment of Pokuit.


Panama has only three main coffee producing areas: Boquete, Volcan and Renacimiento, but it produces the most expensive coffee in the world. Pokuit producing area is one of the towns in Chiriki province, located on the eastern side of Mount Baru at an altitude of about 1000-2000 meters, facing the warm and humid Caribbean monsoon and the cold Atlantic current on the back, with high and steep mountains. Among them, "Baru Volcano National Park" (VolcanBaru National Park) is an ecological conservation area, rich in biodiversity, with seven kinds of micro-climate, coupled with year-round mist and abundant rainfall, creating good local planting conditions. The rosy summer coffee of the Panamanian Emerald Manor and Arida Manor on the front street comes from the Pokuit producing area.

Rose summer is very picky about the growing environment, requiring high altitude, fertile soil, clouds or plant shade, can not be directly exposed to the sun. The owner of the emerald manor said that the garden needs a large number of shade trees to block the sun for the delicate rosy summer, and traditional pruning should be used at the initial stage of planting, otherwise the plant is easy to die. The higher the altitude is, the longer the ripening time of coffee fruit is, and the more complex and unique flavor performance is.


After winning the championship, Peterson and his brother managed the rosy summer coffee trees in the park more systematically based on altitude, region and cup test performance. The area planted in Rosa rugosa is divided into three plots: Cannes Vidis Caas Verdes, Haramillo Jaramillo and veil El Velo.


In order to ensure the traceability of each coffee batch, Peterson refines each large plot into different small plots, through which buyers of Rose Summer Coffee can access specific planting plot information. The average elevation of Haramiyo is more than 1650 meters above sea level, and the damp and cold air in the mountains makes the rose summer coffee here full of natural essence. The emerald red sign on the front street is the Mario (Mario) plot from Haramillo, which is treated by the sun to show the fragrance of rose, citrus, berries and honey.


Does the sunburned emerald red label Rose summer taste good?

In Qianjie, there are many choices for rose summer alone. Here, Qianjie selects two most popular sunburn emerald red standard rose summer coffee and sun rose summer village red standard rose summer coffee, using the daily parameters of the store. Tell us about Qianjie extraction ideas!


The flavor description of each coffee on the front street is based on freshly roasted beans. If the beans have been stored for more than a month, the aroma is likely to have been lost and it is difficult to restore when brewed. Qianjie is also well aware of the importance of freshness, so it will ensure that only coffee beans freshly roasted within 5 days are shipped, so that everyone can enjoy the most complete taste period when they receive it.

The flavor of Rosa Coffee is famous for its rich floral aromas and complex fruit flavors. Qianjie roasters want to retain more high quality acidity, so they choose medium-to-light roasting (slight adjustments will be made in different batches). This baking degree does not change the high hardness of beans at high altitude, so it is necessary to improve the extraction rate in cooking to show a fuller flavor level. Higher water temperature and finer grinding will be used here to stimulate more aromatic substances, and Qianjie hopes that the flavor of Rose Summer Coffee will be clearer, so it will increase the proportion of powder to water at 1:16.

In order to improve the extraction rate of Rosa coffee and avoid over-extraction while highlighting the sweet and sour flavor, Qianjie baristas will use V60 filter cups. The body of the V60 filter cup has a diversion rib connecting the top and bottom and a large round hole in the center to accelerate the falling speed of the water flow, while the spirally shaped exhaust trough is designed to lengthen the flow path and increase the contact time of coffee powder and hot water. Each flow of water converges along the groove to the center of the filter cup, the pressure on the coffee powder is concentrated, and the extracted coffee is more layered.


The following front street demonstration store produces emerald red standard sun roses summer cooking steps, you can refer to and compare their own cooking ideas.

The parameters of red standard rose summer coffee are: filter cup: V60, water temperature: 91-92 degrees Celsius, powder content: 15g, powder-water ratio: 1:16, grindness: fine sugar size (20 sieve bowl sieve powder to 80%)

Three-stage extraction: first pour 15g coffee powder into the filter cup to clear the weight, the first stage is injected with 30g water for steaming for 30 seconds, at the same time, the whole small water flow center injection begins to circle outward, pay attention to the need to moisten the whole powder layer.

In the second stage, 120g of water is injected with a larger flow of water, in order to raise the entire powder layer, and the water column needs to be injected vertically and evenly, and the chronograph shows 150g, which is finished in about 55 seconds.


When the liquid level drops to half of the position, start to use a small flow around the small circle to inject 90 grams of the third section, try to control the flow is too large, easy to break the coffee powder layer and cause insufficient extraction. The final amount of water injection is 240 grams, and the completion time of drip filtration is about 2 minutes and 10 seconds. After removing the filter cup, shake the coffee liquid in the sharing pot and start tasting.


The hand-made jadeite red standard rose summer coffee tastes with fresh acidity of jasmine, citrus and tropical fruits, the flavor level varies with the temperature, the overall taste is smooth, and the aftertaste is pleasant.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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