Coffee review

The coffee's too sour. What's going on? Hand brewed coffee is sour and bitter. What's going on? Barista hand-brewed coffee extraction tutorial.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The coffee's too sour. What's going on? Hand brewed coffee is sour and bitter. What's going on? Today, I teach you why this situation occurs. Generally speaking, sharp acid and sharp bitterness are not good phenomena in coffee. Sharp acid may be "insufficient extraction", sharp bitterness is "excessive extraction", and that sour and bitter is what's going on? may be

The coffee tastes too sour. What's going on? The hand coffee is sour and bitter. What's going on? Today, I will teach you why this situation happened. generally speaking, bitterness and bitterness are both bad phenomena in coffee. Sharp acid may be "insufficient extraction" and sharp bitterness is "over-extraction". What is it about sour and bitter? It may be caused by partial overextraction and partial underextraction.


What is "coffee extraction"?

Coffee extraction is simply water as a solution, through the coffee particles combined with soluble substances, and finally get a taste-flavor coffee liquid. Only 30% of a coffee bean is soluble, and the other 70% is wood fiber. Of the 30% soluble substances, only about 20% are positive flavor substances, and the remaining 10% are bitter / negative flavor substances. Because the dissolution time and speed of each substance are different, generally speaking, the positive flavor is the first and most easily dissolved, while the negative flavor takes longer to be dissolved. So 30% is the maximum extraction rate of coffee, which is actually suitable for public taste. The coffee extraction rate is 18% Mel 22%, and this is also the best coffee extraction rate according to the gold cup extraction theory in SCA.

How to calculate the extraction rate of coffee?

When calculating the extraction rate, we need to use the coffee concentration meter (TDS detector) to detect. The coffee concentration meter can quickly detect the proportion of the extracted coffee substance to the total coffee liquid, and the main concentration is the coffee liquid. (if you want to calculate the concentration yourself, then the formula is: the weight of the extracted coffee substance / the weight of the coffee liquid. It's too complicated! Forget it... )

The extraction rate is the proportion of the extracted coffee substance to the total coffee bean weight, and the main extraction rate is coffee bean / coffee powder, so the calculation formula is: coffee solution concentration × coffee liquid weight / coffee bean (powder) weight.

With the concentration meter, we can easily calculate the extraction rate of coffee. If you calculate the extraction rate of hand-brewed coffee, you need to note that the steaming stage will absorb twice the weight of coffee powder, so the formula for calculating the weight of coffee liquid is water injection-coffee bean (powder) weight × 2.


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What is the manifestation of insufficient extraction?

Poignant & boring

The most obvious manifestation of the lack of coffee extraction is the outstanding sour taste. Coffee in the process of extraction taste substances release order: sour-sweet-bitter. The sour substances in the front part of the under-extracted coffee are basically extracted, but the sweetness and bitterness are not enough to reduce the sour taste and enhance the mellowness of the coffee, making the coffee very sour and insipid / short in finish.

What is the performance of excessive extraction?


Bitterness here refers to a very unpleasant / unusual bitter taste. Bitterness does not mean that coffee is over-extracted. First of all, everyone has a different perception of bitterness, and over-extracted bitterness is unacceptable to some people, such as charred bitterness.

So if you want to drink a good cup of coffee, you have to evenly extract it, read more articles written in front of the street, and watch more teaching videos.