Coffee review

The content of the SCA barista exam is exposed. How much is the intermediate fee for the SCA barista exam?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Today, let's talk about the SCA barista exam. People who have finished the exam will tell you what the exam is about. The content of the junior barista certificate is simply a written test of coffee knowledge, such as some coffee bean knowledge, coffee brewing knowledge, milk knowledge, and sanitary treatment. Intermediate is more difficult, intermediate coffee bag

Today, let's talk about the SCA barista exam. People who have finished the exam will tell you what the exam is about.

The content of the junior barista certificate is simply a written test of coffee knowledge, such as some coffee bean knowledge, coffee brewing knowledge, milk knowledge, and sanitary treatment.

Intermediate is more difficult, intermediate coffee consists of three parts: written test, milk coffee production, pull flowers.

The content of the written test is much more difficult than the beginners, and the questions include flower drawing skills, coffee machine adjustment and so on. And there are more questions.

The content of the test is two cups of coffee in five minutes. Different designs are required.

Milk coffee requires four cups of milk coffee, one concentrated, one latte and two cappuccinos.

By the way, I would like to introduce the charge of SCA.

Generally speaking, the common combination in China is the connection of single-module primary and intermediate courses, with fees ranging from 7000 to 9000; advanced courses are generally not open, and if they are open, they are more than 10,000 yuan.

Is it useful for SCA to learn?

Working in chain coffee shops and online celebrity coffee shops is completely enough, even more than a lot. But it's not enough in boutique coffee shops. You have to take a SCA brewing course or teach yourself the theory of hand brewing. Whether it works or not depends on where you use it. And SCA's theory is not absolutely correct, there is no absolute truth, more rely on our own practice and exploration.
