Coffee review

When does the mocha pot turn off the coffee? What if there is less oil in the mocha pot? how can the mocha pot make coffee with more oil?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Mocha pot, which belongs to the Italian national class coffee brewing utensils, is said to have 8 regular mocha pots in every 10 Italian households. However, the domestic audience is basically very small, so there has not been a comprehensive explanation on the way the mocha pot is used. This time, Qianjie Coffee will do the use of this mocha pot.

Mocha pot, which belongs to the Italian national class coffee brewing utensils, is said to have 8 regular mocha pots in every 10 Italian households. However, the domestic audience is basically very small, so there has not been a comprehensive explanation on the way the mocha pot is used. This time, Qianjie Coffee will teach the use of this mocha pot.


The structure and principle of mocha teapot

The mocha pot is divided into three parts: the upper pot, the powder trough, and the lower seat. The lower pot is the sink for holding water, the powder trough is used for holding coffee powder, and the upper pot is for holding brewed coffee. The principle of brewing coffee in a mocha pot is also very simple. By heating the lower pot, the steam pressure produced by the water in the lower pot will be pushed to the upper pot when the vapor pressure reaches a certain degree (similar to the principle of the siphon pot). On the way, hot water passes through the powder trough layer, coffee powder will form a certain degree of resistance, when the water breaks through the resistance of the coffee powder layer, it will pour into the upper pot, that is, the fragrant coffee liquid.

When does the mocha pot turn off the coffee? when the coffee liquid in the pot is halfway out, and when you feel that the coffee liquid is about to boil, turn off the fire quickly. The residual heat and pressure of the mocha pot will "push" the remaining coffee liquid into the pot.

How can a mocha pot make coffee with more oil? This has something to do with coffee beans, deep-roasted coffee beans are more oily.