Coffee review

How do you make coffee in a steam coffee pot? How do beginners learn to make coffee? Is it better to beat the coffee cups thickly or thinly?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The steam coffee pot is commonly known as the mocha pot, which is composed of the upper pot, the powder trough, and the lower seat. The lower pot is the sink for holding water, the powder trough is used for holding coffee powder, and the upper pot is for holding brewed coffee. Let's start with the teaching: the problem of the amount of powder in the mocha pot, there is usually a choice of size when buying the mocha pot, such as

The steam coffee pot is commonly known as the mocha pot, which is composed of the upper pot, the powder trough, and the lower seat. The lower pot is the sink for holding water, the powder trough is used for holding coffee powder, and the upper pot is for holding brewed coffee.

Let's start with the teaching: when buying a mocha pot, you usually have a choice of size and size, such as two cups, three cups, and up to 18 cups. The most direct difference between these portions is the capacity of the powder trough. In other words, how much powder the mocha pot needs to hold depends on the size of the powder trough. The most direct method of measurement is to put the coffee beans directly into the powder trough and know the filling level with the powder trough, so that the coffee beans in the powder trough can be ground directly.

Is it better to beat the coffee cups thickly or thinly? It should be noted that the grindness of the mocha pot is not the same as that of the Italian coffee machine, which has more pressure (9bar) and can break through the resistance of pressed powder. On the other hand, the pressure of the mocha pot is not so great, if it is too detailed, the coffee liquid will not come up, and the pressure of the lower pot will be increased, and if the pressure is not relieved effectively, there will be the danger of explosion.


① pour hot water into the kettle to 0.5cm under the pressure relief valve. Choosing hot water can better shorten the time it takes to make coffee.

② pours the ground coffee powder into the powder trough and slaps it left and right to squeeze the coffee powder down naturally. And cloth flat powder layer surface. The purpose of this is to make the spatial distribution between the powder particles uniform, and not to extrude in order to prevent the resistance of the powder layer from being too large.

③ puts the powder trough into the lower pot and tightens the upper pot with the lower pot.

Put the ④ on the electric pot, turn on the power and begin to heat.

⑤ when the mocha pot heats up to a certain temperature, when the mocha pot makes an obvious "whining" sound, set the electric ceramic stove to a low fire and open the lid of the pot, and the coffee liquid and grease begin to flow out.

⑥, when the coffee liquid in the pot is halfway out, turn off the electric ceramic stove. And move the mocha pot to the table. The residual heat and pressure of the mocha pot will "push" the remaining coffee liquid into the pot.

⑦ finally pours the coffee into the cup, and the oil produced by the single-valve mocha pot is relatively thin and rough, and will not last too long, and will dissipate in a while. This year Bilody also launched a new generation of pressurized mocha pots whose grease performance will be one level better than that of a single valve.