Coffee review

Is it legal for a coffee car to hit the road? What kind of business license is required for a mobile coffee car? Coffee car refitting course.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Is it legal for a coffee car to hit the road? you can make it legal by applying for a business license. What kind of business license do you need? Today, we are going to teach you the simplest legal course on the road for coffee cars. first of all, we need to get a business license for individual industrial and commercial households. This business license has to be applied for by the department of industry and commerce and prepared in advance.

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As the epidemic gradually improved, people were able to enjoy a cup of coffee outside their homes. If you open the little red book, you can see that there is a lot of sharing in coffee shops, and the number of mobile coffee cars has also increased a lot. There are not only coffee cars converted from non-motor vehicles, but also trunk coffee shops converted from motor vehicles.

Yao recalled that in his childhood, the stall was a place for young pupils to socialize, gossiping while eating mom's dozen snacks. In the past two years, with the rise of the stall economy, we can see in the Little Red Book that more and more coffee people have jumped into the abyss of "I want to open a coffee shop." some for livelihood, some for interest. Many people who want to open a shop have opened a mobile coffee shop in order to reduce costs.


In the Little Red Book platform, there are more than 40,000 notes in the search for "Mobile Coffee" and more than 20,000 notes in the search for "Mobile Coffee car".


When searching for "mobile coffee truck", the platform will also recommend a list of other equipment and materials needed for mobile coffee car business.


Click casually to enter a sharing article or video about the mobile coffee car, and it is even more passionate to view the comment area. Many netizens leave messages asking bloggers when to start the stall and where the address is.

As can be seen from the menu pictures left by some bloggers, most of the products of these mobile coffee cars are American coffee, raw coconut lattes, hand-brewed coffee and other relatively simple coffee categories, which are generally priced in the range of 10 yuan to 20 yuan.


Compared with the quiet and distance in big stores like Starbucks, the mobile coffee car has a sense of being close to the people, and the relationship between people is closer. Due to the severity of the epidemic, people have reduced the frequency of going out and spawned the concept of "family cafe".

On the Little Red Book platform, there are more than 30,000 notes in the search for "Family Cafe". Coffee categories range from traditional espresso to hand-brewed coffee to modern innovative coffee.


Since the operation of mobile trunk cafes and family cafes does not require too much investment, even the business hours can be in accordance with the wishes of the shopkeepers, at the same time, they are closer to consumers' daily lives than physical coffee shops, more and more "casual" coffee shops are opened, more and more experiences are shared, and more and more people fall into the pit.

The ideal is very plump, but the reality is very bony. Watching other people set up coffee stalls on the street so happy, I began to itch to open my own mobile coffee stall. However, there are many things to pay attention to if you want to set up a mobile coffee car.

Different from the physical coffee shop with a fixed address, the trunk coffee shop has a wide range of locations and often flows randomly between several points, while the family cafe is open in the community where the flow of people is restricted, both of which are unstable in terms of passenger flow.

Everyone wants to sit by the bench on a sunny morning or the evening before sunset, blowing the warm spring breeze, watching the swans and boats moving in the lake, and having a long talk with the people around them. Under such ideal circumstances, lucky people have a "daily income of 1,000" and a "monthly income of more than 10,000".


The fact is that the weather is not only sunny, spring breeze blowing, but also stormy, cold and windy times. At that time, how many people will choose to go out for a leisure activity in the face of heavy rain? It's more likely to do it yourself at home or take out.


In addition, the COVID-19 epidemic is not completely over. If there are some related epidemic restrictions, every day of the restriction may mean zero income.

In addition, as can be seen from the sharing of many articles, it can be seen that the time for many mobile coffee cars to get out of the stalls after sunset seems to be very lively, but not many consumers have formed the habit of drinking coffee at night. For most consumers, the understanding of coffee is still in the refreshing stage.


As for the coffee in the trunk at night, there are not only familiar friends of shopkeepers, but also those who want to sign in for freshness, and the latter account for not a few, and repeat customers are even rarer, so it is difficult to accumulate long-term customers.

If you want to accumulate repeat customers, not only the price of the product should not be too high, but also the quality of the product should be improved continuously. Put yourself from the consumer's point of view, if it is a cup of coffee with mediocre taste and high price, it will more or less have a negative impression on this brand or even this type of coffee shop.

Mobile coffee cars and family cafes bring coffee to street corners and even on their doorstep. However, how many people care about their qualifications. First of all, there is the problem of the vehicle. Due to the need for a space to make coffee, the internal structure of the vehicle also needs to be changed accordingly. Some car owners want to highlight their own coffee brand and paste brand logo on the appearance of the vehicle.

The above operation is not finished if you change it. If you are found by the traffic police on the road, the car will be impounded. If you want to convert your car into a coffee car, you need to meet the relevant standards and license again after the modification, otherwise it will be illegal modification. When it comes to the annual inspection, we still need to rectify and restore the original condition. Of course, the actual operation process is not as simple as mentioned above.


In general, coffee shops need to apply for a food business license and a business license when they open for business and sell coffee drinks. Among them, if you want to apply for a business license, you need to provide a fixed place of business, and most of the business premises of mobile coffee cars are mobile. With the mood of the shopkeeper, today's street and tomorrow's next street.

Although, in Xiaohongshu, you can see that some bloggers have applied for a business license and license for their coffee car. However, the rules and regulations of each city are different, and it is also necessary to consult or ask the relevant staff about the destination city.

Mobile coffee cars, family cafes and other starting points are good, with its customers coming, it is better to send them directly to customers' homes. However, if you want everyone to drink happily and buy at ease, complying with the relevant national regulations is the first step.