Coffee review

How to make lattes with heart-shaped patterns? A detailed illustration of the basic teaching of entry-level coffee flower drawing

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Looking at the barista holding the coffee cup in one hand, holding the flower jar in the other, shaking his wrist evenly, a good-looking pattern is presented in the cup, the process is very cured ~ but! To their own hands, not to mention a little love, white point can not come out. Can only experienced baristas do magic tricks? Master

Looking at the barista holding the coffee cup in one hand, holding the flower jar in the other, shaking his wrist evenly, a good-looking pattern is presented in the cup, the process is very cured ~ but! To their own hands, not to mention a little love, white point can not come out. Can only experienced baristas do magic tricks?


Master these main points, coffee flower is not a dream!

I don't know how refreshing lattes are for a person, but lattes with flowers must make people happy! Whether it is a simple care or a complex combination of patterns, these seemingly magical flower drawing art, in fact, can not do without these: greasy and smooth espresso, beating with fresh milk to produce a thick and smooth milk foam, a uniform blend of coffee liquid surface, drawing tips and a calm heart.


/ fat-rich and smooth espresso

Qianjie believes that no matter what kind of extraction method it is, the freshness of coffee beans is very important. Coffee beans produce carbon dioxide during roasting. After baking, with the storage mode and days of coffee beans, carbon dioxide will continue to be released until exhausted, and the carbon dioxide in coffee beans directly affects the formation of concentrated oil.


It is true that the oil of stale coffee beans is sometimes thin, but too fresh coffee beans contain too much carbon dioxide, the final extracted oil will be too rich and rough, in this case will affect the fluidity of milk bubbles in the coffee liquid, and ultimately affect the uniformity of the fusion and the fluidity of the picture. If you want to get a cup of espresso with just the right amount of fat, Qianjie recommends using espresso beans and growing them (sealed with an one-way exhaust valve) for 7-10 days before starting the extraction ~ it is also important to note that the extraction parameters of espresso should be adjusted according to the daily state of espresso beans!

Beat the foam with fresh milk to make it neither thick nor thin, smooth and delicate.

For the foam to be stable, the milk you use must be full of protein and milk fat. The sterilization process of fresh milk can better retain the protein and milk fat in the milk, and the rich lactose in fresh milk can make the milk sweeter when heated. Whey protein in milk protein forms a film to wrap the air and form bubbles when it is stirred in contact with the milk surface through steam, while casein makes the bubbles contact with the liquid surface to produce surface tension, making the bubbles more stable and less prone to rupture. Milk fat is to further stabilize milk bubbles and increase the stickiness of milk (alcohol thickness).


If you want to get rid of the thick, thin, smooth and delicate milk foam, it is necessary to control the time for the steam stick to come into contact with the milk surface, which is called the inflation stage. Latte milk bubble inflation time is only 2-3 seconds, the inflation stage steam stick into the milk level 1cm, turn on the steam to hear "squeak" four times can adjust the steam stick to the milk level 2-3cm and adjust the vat angle to form a whirlpool, this step is called the heating stage, can heat up the milk at the same time make the milk foam more delicate and smooth, the final product latte milk bubble thickness of about 1cm.

/ espresso and milk blend evenly

Coffee and milk blend evenly not only for flower pattern, the most important thing is to further improve the taste and flavor of coffee, so don't be too verbose, blending evenly is really very important! Before fusion, the bubbles in the milk tank need to be shaken evenly with the milk to avoid stratification. When merging, we should pay attention to the flow rate of milk bubbles, and the size of the injected flow should be the same as that of ordinary drinks.


Keep the height of the injection jar at 5-8cm and hold the coffee cup at a 45-degree angle. At the beginning of the fusion, whether it is the coffee cup or the milk tank to move around, it is necessary to keep the foam flow steady and not intermittent. When mixing, let the coffee liquid surface rotate in the cup to make it more fluid. remember not to rush to the edge of the cup as far as possible. if there are white foam on the surface, continue to inject foam fusion into that place. you can make the white foam be washed under the coffee surface after the fusion is completed. After the completion of the fusion, the coffee liquid surface should be clean and the color is the same, otherwise it will have an impact on the subsequent flower pattern.

Tips for drawing a latte.

With the most basic heart-shaped pattern, when the milk and coffee are blended to 7 minutes full, the milk tank can be lowered to make the pattern. Pattern formation technique: when the milk foam flows into the coffee liquid surface, it can flow into the cup by adjusting the angle of the cup at the same time, that is to say, no matter what the pattern is, if you want the milk foam to appear on the coffee liquid surface, you must put the cup straight while injecting it (⚠️: not straightening the cup at once).


When the fusion is 7 minutes full, lower the milk tank close to the cup and inject it from the center of the liquid level. When the left-hand coffee cup is positioned and the right-hand milk jar swings left and right with increased flow rate and uniform speed (not vibrating), you will see the foam floating on it slowly forming a circle and slowly expanding. When the cup is close to 180 °angle, the circle of the bubble is already formed (be careful not to push forward while raising), using the impact of the current to press down the coffee liquid on the upper layer, then you will see that the original circle has a heart-shaped groove, and the water on both sides converges in the middle.


When you think your heart is full enough, when the liquid surface of the whole cup of coffee is not full, you can raise the milk tank, you can receive the milk flow to the smallest and cross the whole pattern forward, so the love pattern will come out! (⚠️: after crossing the pattern and immediately putting off the flow, do not continue to inject milk foam after crossing, otherwise the pattern will be deformed with the gravity formed by the injection flow. )

/ A calm heart

Impatience can not eat hot tofu, only when the state of mind can do a thing well. Making lattes cannot be done quickly, and the process requires constant practice, whether it is concentrated extraction, the handling of milk bubbles, or the posture of holding the milk vat (portal), which will eventually affect the shaping of the pattern. When you start to get irritable, you should stop and have a rest. The numb practice will only become more unstable and dislike the coffee flowers.


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