Coffee review

What kind of coffee is Flat White? Which is more milk than Flat White or latte?

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, FlatWhite coffee is a coffee drink invented in Australia. It is composed of espresso and milk. FlatWhite is called Australian white or fragrant white in China. Furebai's production process is to first extract a double concentrate, and then dispose of the milk, turning the milk into milk foam, the most

Espresso is a popular coffee in cafes. Although many friends pursue to brew it at home, it is still everyone's favorite. Especially in summer, iced espresso may be more popular. In espresso, the most common coffee is latte.

Some people say that latte is actually a masterpiece of coffee and milk, and it is true. Latte is a classic espresso with milk. The name "Latte" in latte actually means "milk" in Italian, so in essence, the drinks called Coffee Latte latte around the world are basically milk and coffee mixed products (there were no milk bubbles at that time).


And what about Australian white coffee? Flat White is a style in which Australians extended and developed the imported espresso before and after World War II. The emergence of Flat White is the self-evolution of native milk coffee in isolated continents. In the first batch of white Australian immigrants, most of them are of British and Irish origin. In their understanding, there is only black coffee and white coffee, black coffee is pure filter coffee, and white coffee is coffee with milk. Later, in the wave of immigrants, Italians opened cafes here, and the collision of language and eating habits forced caf é s to change. Over time, it formed a milk coffee called Flat White, and then the Australian coffee culture was exported to other regions, because the original Flat White drink New Zealanders and Australians could not tell, but it was even more messy after it spread out, so that there are various versions of Flat White, all called authentic Flat White.

Flat white Coffee Fragrance White Flat white is a coffee drink that originated in Australia, so it is also known as Australian White Coffee, but some people argue that Australian White Coffee actually originated in New Zealand. In addition to the origin controversy, the practice of Australian White Coffee is also different. Australian White Coffee is a milk coffee drink with stronger coffee flavor / less milk and thinner milk. When it comes to the choice of concentrated base, New Zealanders like to use double essence espresso (Double Ristretto) to make Australian white coffee, while Australian baristas prefer single espresso (Single Espresso).


In Australia, people can only make Australian white coffee hot, because once you can get it with ice, this is a cup of Australian white coffee that loses its soul, because the ice will dilute the overall concentration, so it can also be understood as Australian white cold latte.

Latte and Flat White Australian White Coffee are both made from espresso mixed with milk, but they are two different experiences. "Flat White is the Australian version of latte"latte is a cup of coffee-flavored milk, Flat White is a cup of milky coffee".

How do you distinguish a latte from a Flat White coffee? What is the difference in taste between the two?

01 milk foam


We all know that the foam on the surface of espresso is beautiful, so this cup of espresso is also very beautiful, and some people think that if the foam is not beautiful, then this cup of espresso is not so good. Latte foam will be about 1 cm thick, easier to pull flowers; Flat White foam is only about 5 mm thick, relatively slimmer and thinner, milk and espresso are highly integrated, silky taste.

02 the amount of espresso


Generally speaking, the coffee content of the two is the same, but because there are fewer cups of Flat White, the proportion of espresso is higher and the coffee flavor is more intense. The latte is more milky and the coffee tastes less. The cup size is different, the normal amount of a latte is about 300ml, and the Flat White will be smaller, about 210ml (this is the cup produced on the front street, depending on the amount used in the cafe). So after clicking Flat White, you can see that the cup is smaller than the latte, don't think it's wrong, it is such a small cup.

03 taste

Lattes and Flat White ingredients are basically the same, the main difference lies in the concentration and the taste of milk foam. Because Flat White uses less milk, the texture will be thicker and smoother, while the latte foams will beat more and taste lighter. Drinking latte is to taste the light and dense foam, while drinking Flat White is to emphasize the smooth and smooth taste, as well as the combination of milk and coffee.

If you like milk coffee but want a more obvious coffee flavor, you can try FLAT WHITE;. If you don't want too much coffee flavor, you can try a latte.


Australian white coffee has less milk than latte, and the concentration of espresso is heavier. The espresso used in authentic Australian white coffee is called Ristretto, while daily lattes and American coffee use Espresso (espresso espresso).

Here are the parameters for making Australian white coffee and latte in Qianjie, so that you can make a more intuitive comparison.

The latte standard of Qianjie Coffee: ceramic coffee cup with 300ml capacity, 40g espresso base, milk and milk foam 260ml. The thickness of the milk foam is about 1 cm (the degree of milk foam: 5 points full of milk to 7 points full of milk foam).


The standard of Australian White Coffee produced by Qianjie Coffee: glass with 220ml capacity, 30g Italian espresso, milk and milk foam 190ml. The thickness of the foam is about 0.5 cm. (the degree of milk foam: 5 points full of milk to 5.5-6 points full of milk foam). Difference: in terms of cup size, latte coffee is larger than Australian white coffee. According to the appearance observation, the milk foam of latte coffee is slightly thicker and slightly protruding, while Australian white coffee milk foam is slightly thinner and flat. In terms of flavor, the milk flavor of latte coffee is more intense, while that of Australian white coffee will be more prominent. So Australians will joke that lattes are coffee-flavored milk (meaning essentially milk), while Australian white is milk-flavored coffee (meaning essentially coffee).

How to make Australian white coffee? Then how to make Australian white coffee? How to make latte? What kind of coffee beans are suitable for making espresso? Next, Qianjie Coffee will answer for you one by one.


Qianjie Coffee uses Pegasus E98 espresso machine. Extraction parameters: pressure: 9 bar, temperature: 94 degrees, time: 20: 30 sec, ratio of powder: 1. 7% 1: 2 powder: 12 g (single espresso) 20 g (double espresso) extraction concentrate: 20ml (single) 40ml (double)

Recommend the ratio of milk to coffee in Australian white coffee


Milk: whole fresh milk (Weiji fresh milk used in front street) dispense milk temperature: 50-60 degrees Celsius (too low temperature can not stimulate lactose in milk, too high temperature will cause protein in milk to be destroyed and become dregs) Milk Bubble thickness: 5mm (1cm foam is used to make latte coffee. 1.5cm thick milk foam to make cappuccino) espresso content: 40ml Milk content: 140ml while the proportion of lattes is as follows:

The front street uses the Pegasus E98 espresso machine.


Pressure: 9 bar, temperature: 94 degrees, time: 20: 30, ratio of powder to water: 1: 1. 7: 1 sec: 2: 12 g (single espresso) 20 g (double espresso) extraction concentration: 20ml (single) 40ml (double)

Qianjie lattes are made with double espresso. After extraction, the coffee beans are characterized by obvious acidity, a hint of berry aromas, rich wine and chocolate flavors and a comfortable aftertaste.


Milk: full-fat fresh milk (Weiji fresh milk used in front street) sends milk temperature: 50-60 degrees Celsius (too low temperature can not stimulate lactose in milk, too high temperature will destroy the protein in milk and turn it into dregs)

Foam thickness: 1cm (thinner than 1cm is used to make Australian white coffee, and more than 1cm thick to make cappuccino) these are the parameters used by Qianjie Coffee to make Flat white coffee and latte. The coffee beans used in each cafe are different, and the model of Italian coffee machine is also different. Therefore, there are slight differences in the ratio of milk to coffee, beans, extraction parameters and so on in each store. The flavor will naturally be different.


But in general, a latte is a coffee drink with a large amount of milk mixed with espresso. The latte flavor made by different coffee beans will also be different, and the latte flavor made by different milk is also different, even through the different ratio of coffee to milk.

Qianjie daily production of Australian white coffee, will use a sunflower with Honduras Shirley to match the coffee beans, by adjusting the extraction parameters every day, the extraction parameters of the essence of espresso on the day of writing this article is 19.8g powder to extract 30g coffee solution, which takes 27 seconds.


Australian White Coffee is made in Qianjie. The ratio of coffee to milk is 1: 6. 30g coffee liquid is injected into the center and 180g hot milk is injected into the center to minimize the damage to grease. There will also be cafes that use lattes to fully blend milk with espresso and then draw flowers, with a coffee-to-milk ratio around 1:6.

Suggestions for making coffee in front of the street:

No matter what kind of coffee is made, the freshness of the coffee is very important to the flavor of the coffee. Therefore, the coffee beans shipped from Qianjie coffee are all roasted within 5 days. The purpose of Qianjie roasting is "freshly roasted coffee", so that every guest who places an order is the freshest coffee when he receives it. The bean cultivation period of coffee is about 4-7 days, so when the guest gets it, it is the time when the flavor is the best.


For those who need to be ground, Qianjie warmly reminds you that if the coffee beans are ground in advance, there is no need to raise the beans, because in the process of transportation, the pressure caused by carbon dioxide in the package can also make the coffee flavor round. so you can drink a cup of coffee as soon as you receive the coffee powder. But the coffee powder needs to be brewed in time, because the coffee powder oxidizes more quickly after contact with the air, that is to say, the flavor of the coffee will dissipate more quickly, and the flavor of the coffee is not so good. Therefore, Qianjie suggests buying whole beans, grinding and flushing now, so that we can better taste the flavor of coffee.

In addition, Qianjie believes that if you want to brew a delicious cup of coffee, you must practice more. Due to different methods, the flavor of the brewed coffee will be different. Welcome to Qianjie Coffee to discuss coffee!

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