Coffee review

What's the difference between deep roasting and light roasting? what's the difference between different roasting of coffee beans?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What is the difference between deep baking and shallow baking? Why are some coffee beans roasted deeply and some coffee beans are lightly roasted? This is chosen by the roaster according to the nature of the coffee beans, because after the coffee is roasted deeper, the sour taste of the coffee will gradually weaken, the flavor substances of the coffee will be converted to caramel cocoa, and the bitterness will increase.

What is the difference between deep baking and shallow baking? Why are some coffee beans roasted deeply and some coffee beans are lightly roasted? This is chosen by the roaster according to the nature of the coffee bean, because after the coffee is roasted deeper, the sour taste of the coffee will gradually weaken, the flavor substance of the coffee will be converted to caramel cocoa, and the bitterness will increase, which determines the direction of roasting of a coffee. Generally, when we need to highlight the flower and fruit aroma of the coffee bean, and its acidity, the roaster will roast it into a light roasted coffee bean. In this way, we can give full play to its advantages and taste the bright acidity and flower fragrance. If a coffee bean has a nutty flavor, we will deepen its roasting, highlighting the finish of cocoa and caramel.

Generally speaking, lightly roasted coffee beans will be sour, with aroma of flowers and fruits, and deep-roasted coffee beans will be bitter, with flavors of caramel, cocoa and nuts.

You can choose your own coffee beans according to your hobbies.
