Coffee review

How to use Chemex coffee pot filter paper

Published: 2024-10-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/27, Everyone must be familiar with this cover picture. He holds a cloud in one hand and a Chemex coffee pot in the other hand. Most of us have seen it in real life, probably at Starbucks. There's probably not a lot of coffee shops out there that use Chemex coffee pots.

Everyone must be no stranger to this cover picture. He is holding Yunduo in one hand to make the pot, and the other is holding our protagonist today-the Chemex coffee pot.

What you usually see in reality should be at Starbucks. Apart from there, few coffee shops should use Chemex coffee pots to make coffee.


What is Chemex? Chemex is a "filter cup" and "pot" one of the hand coffee pot. Invented in 1941 by Peter Schlumbohm, PhD in Chemistry, University of Berlin, Germany, who moved to New York, it has been manufactured by Chemex, Massachusetts, for many years. So the modeling has been full of laboratory elements, very much like the instruments for chemical experiments. In the United States, the Chemex coffee maker is a very common coffee maker. Even in the classic American TV series Friends, Chemex has appeared many times.




It can be seen that the Chemex coffee maker is very good-looking and popular. What are the characteristics of Chemex? The main body of the Chemex is a glass container that is wide on both sides and narrowed in the middle. The surface is very smooth, and the upper part has no ribs, only a diversion groove extending upward from the narrowing part. The most intuitive function of this groove is to control the direction when pouring coffee. But this is not the most important function of the diversion trough. first of all, we all know that if you put filter paper on a smooth filter cup (which can be thought of as a funnel) and make coffee in a fully fitted state, then the air at the bottom cannot be discharged, so the water cannot go down and is blocked. Therefore, the important function of this diversion groove is to connect the outside, discharge air and prevent blockage. However, in many cases, because the filter paper is too soft, it will be affixed with a diversion groove, which will also cause a closed space.


For this reason, Chemex must use special filter paper, which is hard and needs to be folded by itself.


There are many shapes of Chemex filter paper, including semicircle, circle and square. Front Street intercepted Mr. James Hoffman talking about the introduction of the Chemex coffee maker to give you a clearer understanding.


James showed you the round filter paper of Chemex.


Through the cross folding to form a conical filter paper, but this filter paper is a layer of filter paper on one side and three layers of filter paper on the other side.


The three-layer filter paper is placed on the side of the diversion groove, which can stabilize the shape of the filter paper higher and is not easy to collapse and close. How does Chemex make coffee? Because Chemex has no ribs and uses very thick filter paper, its launching speed is very slow. So when grinding coffee, you can grind it a little thicker. Shallow roasted coffee beans can be grinded with cups (70-75% pass rate of standard sieve No. 20). The front street uses Yega Xuefei sun red cherry coffee beans as a demonstration, the amount of powder is 30g, the grindness is 20 sieve pass rate is 70%, the powder-water ratio is 1:15, and the water temperature is 90 degrees Celsius.


After folding the filter paper and putting it on the pot, rinse the filter paper with hot water first, "warm the cup, fit, and remove the flavor" in one go. Then pour the water out along the diversion trough. Then pour in 30g coffee powder, first pour into 60ml hot water and steam for 30 seconds, then circle and pour water into 450ml. The normal liquid level will be just right up to the top and about 0.5cm. If the liquid level is about to exceed the cup body, you can stop the water injection first, wait for the liquid level to drop slightly, and then continue the water injection. The normal flow of all coffee liquid is about 3-4 minutes.


The advantage of Chemex is that the coffee will be clean and sweet. Beauty is also an advantage. Accordingly, the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the pot itself and special filter paper are very expensive. And cleaning is troublesome. The narrow opening in the middle can easily get stuck with a lot of coffee stains. But it's also nice to arrange flowers.
