Coffee review

grinder dosers| Advantages and disadvantages of fine coffee bean cone knife grinder cone knife grinder and flavor extraction characteristics

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee grinder knife wheel is the most important part of the grinder, according to the type it is divided into flat knife cone knife ghost teeth, in the boutique coffee industry generally believe that flat knife grinding beans opportunity used for hand coffee highlight the flavor of coffee beans, and cone knife grinding beans opportunity used for Italian coffee. The grinding mode of the conical cutter grinding disc is to grind in a rolling mode.

The cutter head of the coffee grinder is the most important part of the bean grinder. According to the type, it is divided into flat cone and ghost teeth. In the boutique coffee industry, it is generally believed that flat knife grinding is used as hand-brewed coffee to highlight the flavor of coffee beans, while cone grinding is used in Italian coffee.

The grinding method of the cone knife grinding plate is to grind in the way of rolling, and most of the ground particles are spherical. After the spherical coffee particles come into contact with water, the time of water penetration inside the particles becomes longer, and the grinding efficiency at the initial stage of extraction is relatively low. the extraction concentration is low, both in the long-term extraction, the coffee fiber absorbs water slowly and is not easy to cause over-extraction.

Generally conical grinding plates appear in hand and Italian bean grinders, with prices ranging from 300 to tens of thousands.